Educational Development Plan Human Services
All About me My name is Sara, I am 14 years old. My favorite color is purple. I have a laptop, iPod, and a touch screen phone. I have 2 dogs named Angel and Jack. I am an A and B student. I make Honor Roll all the time. I love to be around children, I was a kindergarten helper in 6 th grade, it was so fun. Its fun to watch children get excited about learning something new. Autobiography Autobiography
Philosophy I believe in beauty is skin deep. Somebody can be pretty but if they have a bad attitude, their considered ugly to me. It doesn’t matter how a person looks, if they are nice, and caring to everyone and don’t judge, they are beautiful on the inside, they have a good heart.
Resume Resume Resume
School Work English Paper 1 English Paper 1 Math Work Math Work Career Ladder Career Ladder 4 year plan EDP 4 year plan EDP
Future Goals My Pathway is Human Services. It fits me good because I like to work with people, mostly kids. I can make a difference in a persons life by helping them. My Career Choice is Early Childhood Educator. I want to go to Baker College, I want an Associates Degree in Education and Human Service.Baker CollegeAssociates Degree The cost of going to this college is about $8,700 a year. There is no room and board. Cost of the SchoolCost of the School
Training and skills The skills I have deal with children. I love kids and love spending time with them, I offer to babysit anytime someone asks. I am good with people also, I get along with everyone as well as I can. I need to work on my social skills. I am good with people but I usually wait for them to ask me stuff, I need to be more direct with people. I should help people better understand stuff and help until they tell me their done.
Accomplishments Report Card Report Card Student of the Month Student of the Month
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