R ATES OF A SYMPTOMATIC L YMPHOGRANULOMA V ENEREUM IN MEN WHO HAVE SEX WITH MEN Tristan Griffiths Neesha Rockwood Nneka Nwokolo 56 Dean Street, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
B ACKGROUND LGV testing is recommended in all HIV +ve MSM with rectal chlamydia, but not in asymptomatic HIV –ve MSM 1 There are anecdotal reports of asymptomatic LGV in HIV -ve MSM From 2015 we have tested all chlamydia +ve rectal samples in MSM for LGV UK national guideline for the management of infection with Chlamydia trachomatis
M ETHODS A retrospective case note review was performed on all confirmed LGV cases from 56 Dean Street between June and December 2015 The following data were collected: age, HIV status, presence or absence of rectal symptoms, presence of other STIs
R ESULTS *P=0.054
R ESULTS – O THER STI S 50 (48%) patients were diagnosed with one or more concurrent STIs Gonorrhoea - 34 (32%) (94% rectal; 71% asymptomatic) Syphilis - 18 (17%) (72% HIV positive) 13 (12%) reported being a contact of gonorrhoea and/or chlamydia
M ULTIVARIATE L OGISTIC R EGRESSION A SSESSING R ISK F ACTORS FOR A SYMPTOMATIC R ECTAL LGV Abbreviations GC – Gonorrhoea HIV-1 - Human Immunodeficiency Virus LGV - Lymphogranuloma Venereum STI - Sexually Transmitted Infection STS - Syphilis
D ISCUSSION Proportion of patients with asymptomatic LGV was high in both groups Contacts of STIs more likely to be symptomatic Concurrent syphilis associated with being symptomatic
C ONCLUSIONS High proportion of asymptomatic LGV in MSM regardless of HIV status No factors identified to enable selective screening in HIV –ve MSM Consider routine LGV testing in all MSM with rectal chlamydia regardless of symptoms