Social Innovation Factory: an accelerator for social innovation & entrepreneurship
| About this showcase on Social Innovation: -Social Innovation is booming across Europe -Combines many aspects of RRI -Is an interesting model for many stakeholders -And could be stimulated with tailor-made arrangements in all European countries -SIF is a Flemish organisation:
SOCIALE INNOVATIEFABRIEK Network organisation for the promotion, coaching and support of social innovation and social entrepreneurship
| Introduction of the Social Innovation Factory: Which elements of RRI are highlighted by the video? Which organisations (in your country) do also foster social innovation? Which organisations (in your country) embrace RRI or showcase RRI elements? What is the difference of their approach and impact? What are the differences between and the possible synergy of social innovation and RRI?
DEFINITION Social innovation is an innovative solution to an important societal challenge, that results in a product, service, model or method. Social innovation
CRITERIA OF SOCIAL INNOVATION SOCIAL: the societal impact should be the primary focus of the concept. Is it mission-driven and socially inclusive, and does the participant have any ideas about social impact measurement? INNOVATIVE: is the concept new or likely to generate renewal for society as a whole, or for a specific sector? SOLID: is there a realistic idea about covering the costs? Is there financial solidity and an integrated business model? Does the concept involve nonmonetary resources? IMPORTANT: does the concept provide a solution to a real and significant social issue? Is it scalable or replicable? PARTICIPATORY: can the project be carried out by the innovator with a team and/or partners? How about co-creation?
| Multi stakeholder training on Social Innovation: -Training of approximately 2,5 hours -Split in smaller working groups of 4 people -Accelerate social innovation with resources of the RRI Toolkit: Go to
| The social innovator in all of us: method of the hand Thumb: What are you good at? Index: Where do you want to go? Middle: What do you avoid? Ring: What are you loyal at? Pink: What are your unknown habits? Fist: what is your social innovative power?
| Outline a social innovative business case (I): -Pick one of your innovative ideas or companies, or think about a common problem (for example traffic, waste, food, care) for which you can imagine a social innovation. -Discuss and outline a business case for that company to convince the board - and through them, the shareholders - of making developments in the company towards responsible innovation.
| Outline a social innovative business case (II): Explore what is socially innovative about this venture. Discuss how the criteria of social innovation (chapter 1, p. 9 of the showcase, or slide 11 of this presentation) could be applied to your own company/organisation/problem. Which criteria are already well implemented and which are not? What could be improved?
| Outline a social innovative business case (III): Identify important partners outside of the company that may be of help in these developments. Discuss who these valuable partners may be. How can they contribute? When should they be contacted and involved? Draft a socially innovative business case.
| Plenary feedback and discussion Pitch your business case! Indicate together what the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and pitfalls are of: -social innovators/entrepreneurs in general -the social innovative culture of your country
| Thank you for your attention! Visit the Social Innovation Factory: Share your ideas for improvement of this training with us on the RRI Tools forum page. Have a closer look at this website to get an overview of all support organisations for social entrepreneurship: And the global network of organisations supporting early-stage social entrepreneurs: