Welcome to Year 2!
Maths in St John’s
Curriculum A new Curriculum programme has been implemented from Yr 1-6 The aim is to provide consistency in approach across the school Each Year Group is a learning journey and is a stepping stone to the next year. The curriculum provides challenge and opportunity for all children to achieve their full potential. Challenge is a focus for our school year! The Interim Framework identifies the specific expectation Year 2
Mental Fluency Mental Fluency and an ability to apply it to mathematical calculations is essential. Key Instant Recall of Facts (KIRFs) is an important part of Maths Children count everyday during lessons at the expected level for their Year Group and across concepts. Year 2 are expected to become fluent in, 2x 3x 5x and 10x time tables by the end of the year.
Maths Afternoon All classes also have shorter Maths afternoon sessions, lasting approximately 20-30mins per day. These sessions consist of: Problem Solving (Exploring the construct of a range of different problem types) Arithmetic- which are number only problems and can be solved on paper Arithmetic enables pupils to continue to practice methods and procedural fluency, while moving through other curriculum topics. Timestables – Pupils continue to explore Key Mental Facts such as the times tables and number bonds
Calculations The school has its own calculations policy for the four number operations. This is followed and implemented in each Year Group. The policy is designed to build on pupil’s learning as they move through the school, working towards an efficient method. A copy of the full policy and the condensed ‘at a glance version’ is available on the school, website on the Maths page.
At Home Times tables and Counting – We try to make this as fun and interesting as possible, but for some they need to be practised repetitively Maths homework is given on a Wednesday and returned on a Monday. It is always linked to current class learning. Use the schools calculation’s policy to support your child at home.
Problem Solving Packs – Sometimes, problem solving packs may be sent home as a homework activity. It is important the children complete this homework, as problem solving is a key component of the Curriculum. The children will be provided with a homework contact booklet for you as parents to sign and comment. The activities are directly related to the expectations of the new curriculum. Please look after the games and all the parts while they are at home, the packs are expensive and damages or lost parts will need to be charged.
Abacus Online Platform – Each child has their own learning platform. We will set work on the platform either as a homework, a revision activity or a practice activity. Children are able to log on themselves and play the activities as many times as they choose to earn points in their own virtual world. The activities will remain on their platform so children can continue to play and improve their previous attempts. Teachers can see pupils scores and times on their main platform and reassign or assign an activity. Each child will be provided with their own log in.
English in St John’s
Reading Children reading daily in class- not recorded in reading records SPIQe Summarise/ sequence Predict Investigate Question Eyes
Reading Please ensure children read daily- record in reading records Support with questions from the back of records Reading reward system
Spelling Weekly spellings for homework- end of year expectation Challenge- spelling patterns Common exception words English homework
Year 2 SATs
Maths papers One arithmetic paper- focus on understanding of number Reasoning paper- Word problems, data handling, shape etc 5 mental maths questions
Reading paper Short reading paper- basic understanding- who, what, where, when, how, why Longer reading paper- more challenging- inference skills Reinforce comprehension at home
GPS paper Grammar, punctuation and spelling Weekly spelling homework- linked Weekly grammar lessons in school- word classes, commas in lists etc
Writing Teacher assessed- based on work done throughout the year Interim framework used- will be given at first meeting GPS is also taken into account
Thank you for listening!