Papaya Class Parents Information Saint John’s International School
Accreditation SJIS is fully accredited with the Education Development Trust (UK). Who are they and what do they do? Education Development Trust are experts in school based inspections, and work with schools in the UK and internationally. Their work is focused on school improvement through self-evaluation, peer scrutiny and school led support and challenge aimed at continuous improvement and improving student outcomes.
Trish Hopkirk Early Years Coordinator From : New Zealand Qualifications Years in SJIS : 4 Hobbies :
Routines and Expectations Arrival at school at 7:40 am for line up Independence and responsibility Class responsibilities (jobs within the class) Various group structures for learning Homework – once a week School Uniform
Behaviour and Discipline Praise and reward positive behaviour (earn Golden Time) Merit points Responsible for own actions (Rainbow Behavior) Problem solving and conflict resolution – circle time each week on Wednesday
Phonics Phonics is a method of teaching reading and writing of the English language by developing learners’ phonemic awareness- that is how words are constructed – in order to teach how the sounds and spelling patterns are linked. We place a high value on understanding phonics as this will help children to be better at reading, spelling and speaking in English.
SJIS Houses At SJIS we follow a house system. Within their house, children earn points, for good behaviour, sports, and other activities. At the end of the school year a trophy is awarded to the house with the most points. our School Motto “Wisdom, Knowledge, Integrity”. The names of the houses are Greek and Roman god/goddesses which represent these 3 pillars of our motto.
A typical Papaya class day 7:45 Morning flag / registration 7:55 – Group Reading 8:30 – Literacy Lesson 9:30 - Morning Break 10:00 – Numeracy 11:00 – Thai, Swimming, Mandarin, Music or PE (Depending on the day) 1150: Lunch Break 12:40 - Phonics 13:10 - Thai, Theme, Personal Social and Emotional Development, or Golden Time (Depending on the day) 13:50 – Mandarin, Music, Swim, Assembly or PE (Depending on the day) 14:50 - Prepare to go home 15:00 - CLUBS
After School Activities ASAs take place daily from 2:50 – 3:30pm SJIS (free) ASAs : Monday to Thursday External (paid) ASAs : Monday to Friday We aim to provide a range of ASA which cover a variety of aspects, such as Academic (homework club), sport (swimming, football) and creative arts (art, drama, craft club) Please see Mod or Larn in the office for changes to ASA choices.
Homework in Papaya Class DayTaskDue Date MondayHomework from previous week TuesdaySpelling, Numeracy, Literacy, reading book WednesdayContinue Homework ThursdayContinue Homework Friday - SundayContinue Homework Homework is given to students every Tuesday and must be submitted the following Monday. This allows parents to help support their children with their homework either during the week or at the weekends.
Assessment in Papaya Class Assessment Type FormalThese are timed tests where children have to answer questions without the aid of the teacher InformalThese are the day to day observations made by the teachers during lessons SubjectAssessmen t Policy Papaya Assessmen t Literacy2 samples per term Informal assessment KS1 Spelling List Numeracy2 samples per term Informal assessment Regular Maths Quiz Other Subjects Informal assessment All work is assessed against the standards and outcomes of the English National Curriculum.
Trips UNDECIDED – I will be in contact with you about these throughout the year. PLEASE READ YOUR STUDENTS PLANNER EVERY DAY – This is where I will send home messages about what is coming up in class, how they have been doing in class (if necessary), what they might need extra help on, and extra items they may need to bring to school for projects. *PLEASE have your child bring a baby picture on Monday for a class activity.
Parents as Partners Listening to your child read Questioning your child about school and the work around them Encouraging independence Guiding rather than doing it for them Encouraging a love of reading – having books around the home Encouraging them to be hands on with everything
Keeping in touch Home-School Books Contact the office to make an appointment Parent – teacher consultations Facebook and Class Blog (homework, star of the week the work we have been doing) Teacher WS Coordinator : Headteacher : Office : (Mod or
Questions Your opportunity to ask any questions you may have.