In this project we will teach them everything we learned. Here we present some examples of comparatives and superlatives
The white man is angrier than the color man Angry- Angrier
Shaquille O´neal is bigger than hairless child Big- Bigger
The Simpsons house is broader than Flintstones house. Broad- Broader
Ed. Hardy is cheaper than Hermes Cheap- Cheaper
Megan Fox is classier than Chupitos Classy -Classier
Clean- Cleaner The bathroom is cleaner than the kitchen
The shirtless man is stronger than Don Ramon Strong- Stronger
North Pole is colder than London Cold- Colder
The child with blue shirt is fatter than the child of white shirt Fat- Fatter
The basketbal player is taller than the jackass guy Tall- Taller
The cat is happier than the dog Happy- Happier
UVM is better than Cetys Good- Better
The giraffe have a higher grade than Timmy High- Higher
Mexicali is hotter than Ensenada Hot- Hotter
The child with the apples is the youngest Young- Youngest
The lion is the wildest Wild- Wildest
Women with short hair is the ugliest Ugly- Ugliest
The child is the thirstiest one Thirsty- Thirstiest
The clown is the saddest Sad- Saddest
The lady with green eyes is the scariest Scary- Scariest
The Bugatti is the fastest Fast- Fatest
The red battery is the lowest one Low-Lowest
The snake is the longest Long-Longest
The child is the hungriest Hungry-Hungriest
The book is the tiniest Tiny- Tiniest
The sofa is softest Soft-Softest
The child is the sleepiest Sleepy- Sleepiest
The little kid is the shyest Shy-Shyest
The baby is the shortest Short- Shortest