WHEN? PREHISTORY Humans appear First written documents
IMPORTANT INFORMATION They didn´t know how to write. They didn´t have kings or queens. They didn´t have money or laws.
TWO PERIODS PALAEOLITHIC PERIOD -They were nomads because they move from place to place to look for food and shelter (=house) -They discovered the fire. -They lived in caves. -They used stones, wood and bones to make simple tools and hunt. -They made clothes with the animals they hunted. NEOLITHIC PERIOD -They lived in one place because they made houses. -They lived in communities. -They started to grow crops and keep domestic animals. -They made clothes with the fur of the animals and the plants they grow. -They used stone and metals to make complex tools.
TWO PERIODS PREHISTORY Humans appear First written documents People started using the fire. People made cave paintings. People invented bows and arrows with stones and bones for hunting They make houses and live in communities They grow crops and keep animals They used metals and stomes to make complex tools. PALAEOLITHIC NEOLITHIC
ARTEFACTS Objects that archaeologist discover because people used them in the past. They give us information about when, where and how people lived.
ARTEFACTS Neolithic pottery. They used these bowls to store and prepare food. Palaeolithic axe for hunting. Palaeolithic arrows for hunting. Neolithic arrows for hunting
WHERE DID THEY LIVE? In the Palaeolithic period, people lived in caves. In the Neolithic period, people lived in small houses and communities.
ART EXPRESSION Palaeolithic cave paintings in Altamira, Cantabria, Spain In the Neolithic period, they made some ornaments with bones and stones. In the Neolithic period, they believed in some gods and godesses. In the Neolithic period, they buried people when they died. In the Palaeolithic period, they didn´t believe in gods or godesses, and they didn´t buried people when they died.
Música In the Palaeolithic period, they made instruments with the bones of big animals. In the Neolithic period, they made instruments with hornes, bones and metals. They also used the hair of some animals.
Documentos escritos In PREHISTORY (PALAEOLITHIC AND NEOLITHIC), people didn´t know to write. They made pictures to describe what they did and tell stories: CAVE PAINTINGS.