Italy under Mussolini, : Italy was very poor in Rich north, poor south. 50% illiteracy, mass emigration to US It. fought for Allies during WW1 ( ). Heavy losses but on winning side.
Conditions in Italy after World War 1: 1.Dissatisfaction with the Treaty of Versailles. Italians expected more land that they were given. Eg.-Fiume, Croatia occupied by war hero and poet, Gabriele D’Annunzio, set up Fascist style govt. 2.High unemployment and inflation after WW1 3.Workers and farmers strikes inspired by Bolsheviks and econ. Prob 4.Political instability , many weak coalition govts 5.Italians saw democracy as weak and wanted a strong leader. Many greatly feared a Bolshevik revolution in Italy 6.This fear of communism led to fascism.
1.Anti-Communist: Fascists promised to protect property owners, businessmen from Communists. Appealed to people in countries like Italy and Germany where the Communist party was strong 2.Anti-democratic: Fascists warned that in a democracy, it was possible for communists to win an election. A strong ruler was needed to prevent this from happening 3.Nationalist: Fascists claimed they would make their country strong, powerful. In Ger. + Italy they built strong armies, planned wars 4.Racist: Fascists encouraged people to believe that their race was superior to others. This led to harsh treatment of minority groups. 5.Authoritarian: Strong govt, order and a powerful leader-a dictator 6.Totalitarian: The state was all powerful. Loyalty to the state was the responsibility of the citizen. Use of secret police and terror 7.One party state: All other political parties banned 8.Cult of personality: Leader could not be criticized. God like 9.Economic self-sufficiency: Develop own industry and agriculture Features of Fascism:
The March on Rome: Mussolini felt he had enough political support to be appointed PM Would advance on Rome. Followers occupied town all over Italy King Victor Emmanuel III gave in to Mussolini’s demands. PM at 39
:Establishing a Fascist Dictatorship: In the years , Mussolini gradually set up a dictatorship New govt, Fascists in minority, had all parties except Socialists/Comm The Blackshirts paid by the govt and beat up opponents Fascist Grand Council=Introduced laws without consulting other party Acerbo Law: Nov 23=Party with greatest number of votes in general election would receive 2/3 of seats in parliament Mussolini popularity increased when he negotiated return of Fiume April 1924 Election: Fascists=65% of vote Blackshirts beat up and intimidated many opponents
The Murder of Matteotti: Socialist leader Giacomo Matteotti criticized Fascist violence Abducted and murdered by Blackshirts. Mussolini’s role unclear Newspapers attacked Mussolini, non-Fascists left parliament King would not sack Mussolini, more afraid of Socialists
The establishment of one-party rule: Jan 1925=Mussolini set up dictatorship. Press freedom ended, increased police and Blackshirt violence Christmas 1925= Only King could dismiss Mussolini Nov. 1926= Failed attempt on Mussolini’s life, all parties except Fascists banned Fascist Grand Council replaced parliament Mussolini=Dictator of Italy= the leader= IL Duce
How the fascist dictatorship worked: 1.Propaganda: The Fascists controlled newspapers, radio and films. Only comments favourable to Mussolini were allowed He used propaganda to tell Italians he was a superman that would lead them to greatness 2. Fear: Not allowed criticise Mussolini. Secret police called OVRA set up to keep an eye on everyone. Beat up people who were anti-fascist 3. Youth policy: Mussolini wanted all young people to be fascists. Teachers had to take an oath of loyalty to the fascist government. Schools taught students to be loyal to Il Duce From 8 yrs of age boys had to belong to the Balilla=the fascist youth movement. Expected to be strong soldiers to fight for Italy Girls would be good mothers-provide Italy with big population
The Corporate State: Corporate State= Promote co-operation between employers and workers + end class warfare Alternative to socialism and capitalism- ‘a third way’ Strikes not allowed, Catholic or Socialist trade unions banned Employers free to pick their own representatives, Fascist party chose the leaders of the Fascist trade unions Workers got annual holidays with pay, social security, cheap holidays..
Mussolini and the Economy: 1.‘Battle for Grain’= Increase in production of Italian wheat but more expensive for poor 2.Public Works Schemes Pontine Marshes-Mosquito infested area outside Rome drained. Twon, villages and roads built on the reclaimed land Building of new motorways=autostrada Railways electrified
Mussolini and the Catholic Church: The Church had lost land at time of Italian unification (1860) Opposed new state and told Catholics not to vote Mussolini wanted to create a strong, united Italy-end church quarrel Church was deeply anti-Communist, Fascism as lesser evil Mussolini’s opposition to divorce, abortion popular with church
The Lateran Pacts, 1929: An agreement made between Pope Pius XI and Mussolini. 1. An independent State ruled by the Pope called the Vatican was set up 2. Compensation was paid to the church for land lost 3. Catholicism became the official religion of Italy. 4. Church run bodies not get involved in politics 5. All bishops Italian +oath of loyalty to state 6. Pope not interfere in Italian international disputes Mussolini’s greatest achievement. Made him more popular in Italy and famous statesman around the world
Tension between Church and State: Mussolini had row with Pius XI over Church Organisation ‘Catholic Action’. Accused it of interfering in politics. Compromise reached Writings of many leading Fascists banned by Pius XI Church opposed anti-semitic laws introduced by Mussolini in 1938 (Italians and Jews forbidden to marry, not allowed to own some businesses, could not join army etc.. Not strictly enforced until Germans occupied Italy Pope Pius XII saved many Jews during WW2 but criticized for not opposing Mussolini more
Mussolini’s foreign policy: He wished to make Italy great again like Roman Empire. Occupied Corfu, Greece, Fiume, Croatia and Albanian puppet govt In 1920s-30s he supported League of Nations, went against Germany (Stresa Front, Italy, France and Britain). Saw Hitler as ‘little bro’, Wanted an empire for Italy. In 1935 he invaded Abyssinia (Ethiopia). Abyssinia asked the League for help. It imposed sanctions on Italy. Mussolini was enraged. Hitler backed Italy. Now, Mussolini and Hitler became allies with disastrous consequences for Mussolini and Italy
Alliance with Hitler: 1936-Ger and Italy both supported Fascist Franco in Spanish Civil War Dec 1936: Alliance with Hitler called the Rome-Berlin Axis 1938:Mussol. allowed Hitler occupy Austria and Sudentenland, Czech 1939: The Pact of Steel was signed between Mussolini and Hitler: This was a military agreement whereby they both promised to help each other in any future war. Mussolini was unaware at this stage that Hitler intended to invade Poland in the near future. These alliances with Hitler were a serious error on Mussolini’s part.
Italy and WW2: In 1940, Italy joined on Germany’s side. Thought Ger would win war Italian army disorganised, ill-equipped, poor leadership, soldiers 1940: Italians invaded Greece. Had to be rescued by Germany Mussolini’s popularity plummeted. Allies invaded Italy. The king sacked Mussol. He was rescued by Ger and had small North Italian ‘Salo’ Republic By 1945 obvious that Germany had lost the war. Mussolini tried to flee but was captured and killed and his body was hung upside down in the main piazza of Milan. Mussolini’s death marked the end of fascism in Italy