Italy By Victor
Continent Italy is the continent of Europe
Map of Italy The area of Italy Is 116,341 square miles.
Landforms A lot of farming Has mountains Hills Most of the land is surrounded by water
Economy They do farming a lot They do shops Also offices Last they do Car engines that’s what they mostly, do
Statistics capital city :Rome Language :Italian and Italy Money: Euro Population 61 million people Square miles 116,341
Holidays and Celebrations Liberation Day – This is a celebration of the end of World War II Carnevale is a holiday that means good bye to meat. – They play music and dance. Also they do parades.
The food of Italy One of the foods they eat is pasta. –T–That’s a every day meal For breakfast they eat something light –L–Like some bread and coffee For lunch they eat pizza Pasta Calzones –W–Which is cheese and vegetables For desert they eat ice-cream Did you know Italy's Food is one of the rich's food in the world.
Interesting Facts Did you know that they have 6 days of school and one day of weekend? Did you know that they do basket ball like America?
Clothing Young people wears clothes like us. Oder people wears black for their dead.
Works Cited Were From Italy By Emma Lynch 2005 Countries of the world Italy By Kristin Thoemes 1999 Exploring country By Walter made in 2011