X AXIS LOWER LIMIT UPPER LIMIT CHART TOP Y AXIS LIMIT v WHAT DOES GOOD ECONOMIC ANALYSIS LOOK LIKE? Anne Kazimirski, Head of Measurement & Evaluation June 2016 NPC - title of the document (can be changed under view/header and footer. Add date here if needed.1
X AXIS LOWER LIMIT UPPER LIMIT CHART TOP Y AXIS LIMIT PROS & CONS OF ECONOMIC ANALYSIS BENEFITS Improved understanding of your impact Aggregating impact into a single figure Using results to support decision-making CHALLENGES Hard to do well/ get good data Difficult to assess rigour and credibility Results of different projects / programmes are rarely comparable 2
X AXIS LOWER LIMIT UPPER LIMIT CHART TOP Y AXIS LIMIT ECONOMIC ANALYSIS: DIFFERENT TYPES USED IN THE CHARITY SECTOR 3 Economic evaluation What is the lowest cost of achieving a goal? Cost-effectiveness analysis What is the programme's value, and is it worth it? Cost-benefit analysis Social return on investment