Teacher(s): Time: The Course Organizer Student: Course Dates: Course Standards This Course: Course Questions: is about U. S History Early The story of American from exploration to reconstruction and how culture, economics, government, and geography have affected the shaping of our country. 1.What characteristics make particular portions of the population more susceptible to colonization? 2.What causes people and societies to revolt? 3.How do individuals influence the creation of government? 4.What causes government to evolve over time? 5.How does leadership influence society? 6.How do individuals and groups alienation of each other hinder the democratic process? 7.What provokes the need to expand? 8.How did social differences influence the Civil War? 9.Explain the impact of Geography has on how we live? ACROSS: 1.How does geography affect culture, history, economics, and government? 2.Explain the political, social, and economic factors in US History that contributed to the government we have today. Exploration and Colonization 13 Colonies American Revolution Creating a Republic Constitution and Government New Republic: First0 5 Presidents America Transforming (part 1) Democracy America Transforming (part II) Expansion and Sectionalism Civil War and Reconstruction Geography Coleman, Guillory, Hernandez, Seale 7
Teacher(s): Time: The Course Organizer Student: Course Dates: How?What?Value? This Course: Content: Process: Course Progress Graph Course Questions: is about Course Standards: US History: Early Projects Quiz’s Unit Assessments Coleman, Seale, Hernandez, Guillory 1.What cause a population to colonize? 2.What causes people and societies to revolt? 3.How do individuals influence the creation of government? 4.What causes government to evolve over time? 5.How does leadership influence society? 6.How do individuals and groups alienation of each other hinder the democratic process? 7.What provokes the need to expand? 8.How did social differences influence the Civil War? 9.Explain the impact of Geography has on how we live? ACROSS: 1.How does geography affect culture, history, economics, and government? 2.Explain the political, social, and economic factors in US History that contributed to the government we have today. The story of American from exploration to reconstruction and how culture, economics, government, and geography have affected the shaping of our country. Major Grade 50% Daily Grade 50% LINC Vocabulary Written Work ISN’s Self Evaluation Warm ups Frame Unit Exploration and Colonization 13 Colonies American Revolution Creating A Republic Constitution and government New Republic A.T Democracy A.T Expansion and Sectionalism Civil War Geography DA1 Fall Semester Exam Benchmark We will keep track of your unit exam scores here 8
Community Principles Learning Rituals Course Map This Course: includes Performance Options Student: Critical Concepts Learned in these Units 8 th Grade US History Teamwork Respect Creativity Responsibility Maximum Effort Active Participation Accountability Professional Development Warm-ups Essential Question FRAME LINCs Clarifying ISN Unit Organizer Agendas Exit Ticket Graphic Organizer Foldable Power notes Educational Games Stations/ Gallery Walk Edgenuity Menu Tutorials Test: Retake Sequencing Inference Primary/Secondary Source Analysis Revolution Democracy Constitutional Principles Amendment Process Creation of Political Parties (Federalist vs. Anti- Federalist) Relationships between geography and other themes of Social Studies, Culture, history, economics, and government New Republic: First 5 Presidents American Revolution Creating a Republic Constitution and Government American Transforming: (Part II) Expansion and Sectionalism Exploration and Colonization Civil War and Reconstruction Geography American Transforming: (Part I) Democracy 13 Colonies 9
Principles RitualsOptions Course Map Key Word Connections Course Concepts Connections Course Connections To: Course Performance Connections: Concerns About Performance Goals and Actions Course Connections Tracker Name:Course: Unit Title: Critical Connections to Course: Critical Questions Connections: Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 10
NAME DATE The Unit Organizer BIGGER PICTURE LAST UNIT/Experience CURRENT UNIT NEXT UNIT/Experience UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS is about... UNIT RELATIONSHIPS Student Activities or Assignments UNIT MAP CURRENT UNIT Modern Texas 7 th Grade Exploration and Colonization First Groups to Arrive and Settle in America The 13 English Colonies the reasons Europeans came to America (if any) Compare/Contrast Understand Explain 1.How do push and pull factors lead to human migration? 2.What economic, political, and social events pushed people to the British colonies? Columbus and other explorers along with Reasons for European Exploration By understanding By explaining By comparing and Contrasting 8.2, 8.2a Information listed is to help students see how the current unit is related to other units an to course ideas. 1. CURRENT UNIT 2. LAST UNIT 3. NEXT UNIT 4. BIGGER PICTURE 11
NAME DATE The Unit Organizer NEW UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS Expanded Unit Map is about Reasons Europeans came to America What effect did European migration have on European colonists and the areas they inhabited? Exploration and Colonization Columbus and other explorers along with reasons for European Exploration Jamestown And Plymouth When, how, Where, and Why they first colonies were established in America The establishment of Early Government 9. EXPANDED UNIT MAP As the unit progresses, the basic UNIT MAP from the first page of the Unit Organizer is expanded with key summary information about the content of the unit. 12