Skills Required for AS Govt & Politics. A booklet to enable you to understand and practice the skills needed when studying Unit 1 AS Government & Politics
Contents Exam board skills explainedPages 1-2 Assessment criteria for Unit 1Page 3 Pt (a) questions : Demonstrating Knowledge and Understanding Pages 4-7 Analysis and EvaluationPages 8-11 Constructing arguments and explanationPages Self assessmentPages Homework tasksPage 18-19
What skills does the exam board require you to demonstrate? To be able to … political information What do these terms mean? Require you to do? Comprehend Synthesise Interpret To be able to Analyse Evaluate
What skills does the exam board require you to demonstrate? Identify parallels, connections, similarities and differences. This means / involves… Select and organise relevant material to construct arguments and explanations leading to reasoned conclusions. This means / involves… Communicate arguments and explanations with relevance, clarity and coherence, using appropriate political vocabulary. This means / involves…
Assessment Criteria For Unit 1 UNIT 1: Duration: 1 hour 20 mins Answer 2 questions from a choice of 4. QuestionMarksAssessment focus a5Knowledge and Understanding (definition of / features) b10Knowledge and Understanding / Analysis and evaluation of political information. (What are…Why do…Explain…) c25Knowledge and Understanding / Analysis and Evaluation/ Being able to communicate and construct coherent arguments. (answering an essay style question – need to show up to date political awareness)
Demonstrating Knowledge and Understanding Structuring Pt (a) questions- Define Define Explain clearly what is involved in the concept Give a relevant example to support What is meant by power?
How to structure and answer pt (a) distinguish questions. 1: points of explanation for each concept being distinguished. 2.Example to support each aspect being distinguished. 3 Judgments on the main points of difference Distinguish between traditional authority and legal rational authority
Definition of a referendum A referendum (also known as a plebiscite or a ballot question) is a direct vote in which an entire electorate is asked to either accept or reject a particular proposal. This may result in the adoption of a new constitution, a constitutional amendment, a law, the recall of an elected official or simply a specific government policy. It is a form of direct democracy.voteelectorateconstitution constitutional amendmentlawrecalldirect democracy The question asked of voters in 2010 electoral reform referendum. Do you want the United Kingdom to adopt the 'alternative vote' system instead of the current 'first past the post' system for electing members of parliament to the House of Commons?"first past the post
Demonstrating Knowledge and Understanding Structuring Pt (a) questions- Outline (5 marks) Outline the key features Explain clearly what is involved in each feature. Give a relevant example to support Outline the key features of a referendum?
What do pt (b) (10 marks) questions require you to do? Provide a umber of examples to support the question. Analysis of each aspect of the question under consideration. Putting this into practice… Explain the workings of three electoral systems used in the UK. How should you approach this question?
Part (b) Analysis and Evaluation: Evaluating evidence and reaching judgements (10 marks) Question: What are the main features of a representative democracy?. Focus words Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 Judgment against question focus.
Part (b) Analysis and Evaluation: Evaluating evidence and reaching judgements (10 marks) Question: Explain the workings of the ‘First Past the Post’ electoral system. Focus words Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 Judgment against question focus.
Part (b) Analysis and Evaluation: Evaluating evidence and reaching judgements (10 marks) Question: Why are interest groups and important part of British democracy? Focus words Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 Judgment against question focus.
Details/ key points ExplanationEvidenceAnalysis – how democratic – strengths / limitations? Structure and operation of democracy? Rights, responsibilities and freedoms. Role of the government state. Conclusion – An evaluation of the main points of debate. Link factors together. Make an overall judgment. VERY / PARTIALLY/ NOT VERY. How democratic is the UK? Part ( c) : Constructing arguments and explanation (25 marks)
Forming a substantiated conclusion conclusion A conclusion should be based on firm views ( not personal opinions) and directly respond to the type of question set. How democratic is the UK? VERY NOT VERY Reasoning behind judgement…. PARTIALLY
Role of political parties Details/ key points ExplanationEvidenceAnalysis – are they supporting or undermining democracy? Government Representation Participation & mobilisation Policy formation Recruitment of leaders Conclusion – An evaluation of the main points of debate. Link factors together. Make an overall judgment. NO / TO A CERTAIN EXTENT /YES. Part ( c) : Constructing arguments and explanation (25 marks) Are British political parties being undemocratic?
Structuring ain introduction to a part ( c) question Outline your argument. Do you agree with the judgment? Yes / No / Partly. Explain WHY this will for the basis of your argument. Write a conclusion based on the plan for your main.
Self assessment against exam board assessment objectives. Assessment objective Skills requiredMy level of confidence AO1Recall, select and deploy knowledge. AO2Analysis and evaluate information AO3Communicate explanations and reach reasoned conclusions.
Setting personal targets Assessment obi What I need to do to progress in this skill area AO1 AO2 AO3
Homework Task : Week 1 pt (a) ( 5 marks) Outline the key features Explain clearly what is involved in each feature. Give a relevant example to support Outline the key features of democracy in the UK? Look through this weeks newspapers and watch the news to come up with the features and contemporary examples.
Details/ key points ExplanationEvidenceAnalysis –can be regarded as a limitations? Structure and operation of democracy? Rights, responsibilities and freedoms. Role of the government state. Conclusion – An evaluation of the main points of debate. Link factors together. Make an overall judgment – what is the main limitation? What are the limitations to the UK democratic system? Homework Task : Week 2 pt ( c ) question (25 marks)