8 th Grade Social Studies: U.S. History I 8 th graders! They are so capable, so fun! (Thanks for sharing them with me this year!)
My Expectations: Cooperate I believe in my students’ best selves. Participate I also believe mistakes are for learning. Be respectful (& on Task) (In the gradebook this = CPROT -- citizenship)
Ways of Learning Discussions/Seminars Simulations Small group activities Partner work Individual work Presentations Debates Upfront magazine reading & seminars Research writing Quizzes & Tests (short answer, T/F multiple choice and essays
U.S History Overarching Questions for the Whole Year: To what rights are all humans entitled? Why can’t we all just get along? How can/do people successfully resolve their problems? How do power, resources and differences impact history?
Middle Passage Colonial Fair Election Scrapbook Town Meetings (Should the colonies rebel?) Constitutional Convention & making & our own class bills JA Field Trip (Personal Finance)
Issues and Events that Shaped the U.S. Constitutional Convention & making & our own class bills Political Parties (how it all began... ) War of 1812 Mexican American War Industrial Revolution Civil War Reconstruction
Active Learning Indian Relocation Talk Show Debates Westward Expansion Monopoly Game Individual Presentations for each unit (for A credit) Mini Dramas Re-enactments
Research On a controversial constitutional issue of the students’ choice Research Debates (team, partner or solo) Short paper writing (includes proper) MLA citation
Homework & Grading Daily homework is NOT GRADED. Students maintain a Homework Log Work scoring below a 69% can (and should) be re-taken within a week for the average of the two scores. Cheating or plagiarism is a violation of our mutual trust, demonstrates a lack of integrity, and will result in a conference, a student re-do and no higher than a 60%. Graded assignments (with an MAF) can be completed over the week end with no penalty.
GRADING: For possible C credit for each unit, students must: Complete daily homework for the unit Be on-task and participate during class Complete unit vocabulary and application quiz and score a 70% minimum Complete the online Reading Challenge Score 70-79% on the unit exam
GRADING: For possible B credit for each unit, students must complete all requirements above AND: Complete the Reading Further Design 1 higher level multiple choice test question and answer Complete an at-home essay on one Essential Question for the unit Score 80-89% on quizzes and the unit exam
GRADING For possible A credit for each unit, students must complete all requirements above AND: Research and present one character &/or event from the unit list according to teacher directions Design 2 higher level multiple choice test questions and answers Complete an in-class essay on one Essential Question for the unit Score % on quizzes and the unit exam
Homework & Grading, continued Late graded work = 50% if in before the end of the unit. No extra credit. Extenuating circumstances, should be communicated to Ms. Kiemle before the due date so that together we can devise a plan for success.
Service Learning How can 8 th graders use their interests and talents to help our community? NOT REQUIRED, BUT SO ENCOURAGED