Metro Nashville Public Schools ELs Achieving Higher Kevin Stacy Executive Director, Office of English Learners Metro Nashville Public Schools.


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Presentation transcript:

Metro Nashville Public Schools ELs Achieving Higher Kevin Stacy Executive Director, Office of English Learners Metro Nashville Public Schools

Vision The vision of the MNPS EL Team is to support English Learners (ELs) and Non-English Language Background (NELB) families with the social, emotional, cultural, linguistic and academic skills necessary to excel in higher education, work and life.

Mission The mission of the EL Team is to engage, empower and value EL/NELB families, students, schools and community through the following: Build district instructional leadership capacity to ensure ELs have access to evidence-based, rigorous instruction on English Language Development and content standards. Engage all teachers in professional learning to ensure ELs have access to grade level content and language development with a strong literacy foundation. Ensure assessment, registration, and translation services are accessible and efficient for NELB families. Inform and empower NELB families and community stakeholders to partner with schools.

EnrollmentEL LEPTransitional NELB 2016 ES (36,194)8,220 (23%)9, ,895 (33%) MS (23,767)3,187 (13%) 3, ,683 (32%) HS (21,739)2,115 (8%) 2, ,372 (29%) Total 81,70013,522 (17%)15,3561,83425,950 (32%) 2015 Total 80,75712,134 (15%)13,7661,63223,859 (30%) 2014 Total 79,46110,574 (13%)12,7512,17722,175 (28%)

Top 5 Languages Spanish 16,379 students 20% of total enrollment 63% of NELB students Arabic 3,194 students 3% of total enrollment 12% of NELB students Kurdish 1,130 students 1.4% of total enrollment 12% of NELB students Vietnamese 488 students 0.5% of total enrollment 1.8% of NELB students Somali 853 students 1% of total enrollment 3% of NELB students

2013 ELDA Assessment 2014 ELDA Assessment 2015 ACCESS Assessment 2016 ACCESS Assessment Language Growth 62%67%76.2%79% Language Growth of.7 from previous year N/A* 48.3% (state target 39.7%) 51% Proficiency 16.4%19.3% 9.4%** (state target 4.7%) 13.6%** *Implemented in 2015 with ACCESS to measure language growth **New criteria for exit rate changed to 5 total composite and 5 literacy composite.

ELD Curriculum Support to Schools ELD Curriculum Coaches 16 ELD Director 1 After School Programs 8 sites, 314 students Summer School sites, 450 students

Translation and Interpretation Services Translation Coordinator1 Parent Outreach Translators57 Translation Specialists8 Languages Represented22 Documents Translated ,786 Optimal Phone Interpretation (OPI)24 hour

International Student Registration Center Registration and Assessment Supervisor1 Registrars7 Assessors11 NELB Registration and Assessment Sites4 Students Assessed at Registration Center ,183 Students Assessed at Schools

Standards Background Knowledge Social Emotional Learning Comprehensible Input Content Academic Language Practice/Application Formative Assessments Projects, Activities, Tasks Language Domains Thinking Academic Conversations Scaffolding Strategies

Strategies to improve Instruction leading to Language Growth and Proficiency Gains

Provided Parent Engagement Supports Parent Ambassadors School Cultural Exchange Programs ESL Technology Based Classes for Parents and Families Free Legal Aid Services from Volunteer Attorneys Communication with local radio shows and community stakeholders

Implemented PLCs around Standards-Based Language Instruction SIFE PLC District Academic Conversation PLC Close Readings for English Learners PLC

Implemented Trainings Provided training on best practices for ELs in guided reading, shared reading, interactive read-alouds and writing Provided training on best practices for ELs in close reading and text complexity Provided SIOP Training Provided Academic Conversations

Trainings cont. Foundations of WIDA (English Language Development Standards) Developing Classroom Formative Assessments for ELs for monitoring progress Thinking Maps Write from the Beginning training Training on balanced literacy for teachers of secondary ELs

Added Blended Learning Achieve 3000 literacy program for Secondary 5-12 Imagine Learning for k-4

Conducted EL Shadowing Rounds Conducted English Learner Shadowing from the protocol created by Ivannia Soto-Hinman from the book EL Shadowing as a Catalyst for Change

School Specific Action Plans Identify areas of school EL foci based on data related to student achievement and language proficiency Professional development needs of teachers

Provided ELD Coaches Conduct trainings to build teacher knowledge of EL best practices.

Conducted Grade Level Trainings on specific areas of need determined by the school SIOP Thinking Maps Formative Assessments ELD standards EL Literacy strategies Academic Conversations

Transform EL grade level trainings to professional learning community cycles based on standards, student achievement and formative assessments. After school professional learning communities centered on teacher identified area of need using formative assessments Balanced Literacy for Secondary ELs LEAF – Community Engagement Continuous Improvement