Costume Presentation
In 858 with Fujiwara no Yoshifusa declaring himself as sesshō, or regent, to the young Emperor. The Fujiwara clan remained in power until In 1086 Emperor Shirakawa ceded the throne to his son Horikawa but held all the power leaving the Emperor as more of a figure head. In 1199, following the death of Yoritomo, his wife Hōjō Masako, became the true power behind the government. This lead to the shogun, becaming puppets of the regent, who held the actually power.
The Kamakura officially began in 1185 and was established in 1195 This period was known for the emergence of the Samurai and the establishment of the feudalism. It was also the time when Buddhism became popular The Hōjō family established most of what the feudal system is known for. Like the president in America, the shogun holds the power of the military and held most of the power. This period ended in 1333 with the destruction of the shogun.
Zen became the center for art. Aristocratic women took part in politics, or could serve as a samurai warrior.
More appropriately known as the Tokugawa period Began around 1603, ending in 1868 Tokugawa was the first shogun of this period This period is known for its economical growth, social order, isolation policies, and an over all self sufficient country. Many samurai moved to the cities, and social order was based on inheritance and not personal merit. The people lived for pleasure and peace at this time. The period ended with Tokugawa Yoshinobu resigns, restoring Meiji as emperor.
The Nihonto, or sword, was an important part of the shogun’s attire the “Way of the Warrior” was a strict code of honor for the Samurai for both men and women of the Samurai family.
Known as the backbone that protected the family. Amount of freedom was given by social rank Samurai women were taught to fight, not to go into battle but to defend the family and home as needed. The highest ranking women had the least amount of freedom. Geisha’s were the most respected women. They are not prostitutes, they are just talented in conversing with men. They were used as spies or assassins. Low ranking women were workers, and held more freedom.
No matter ranking, a woman's duty was expected to be fulfilled. They were obedient “As a young girl, she obeys her father; upon marriage, she obeys her husband; and when widowed, she must obey her son.” Women could not remarried after the death of her husband Women we expected to protect the home and family. Many wives committed suicide with their husbands. They were taught by their mothers to read, write, and dress.
The name of a female ninja was a kunoichi and were employed as spies. Women could become monks or nuns however had to create their own communities and lost all ranking.