EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE – BEING EMOTIONALLY AWARE Set of skills and abilities to be able to cope with everyday life. How we manage ourselves? How do we manage our relationships with others? How well do we deal with change? How well we deal with stress? How well do we self motivate?
10 SYMPTOMS OF EMOTIONALLY UNHEALTHY SPIRITUALITY 1.Using God to run from God. (Prayers about my will not His) 2. Ignoring the emotions of anger, sadness, and fear. (I’m rarely honest about the feelings, hurts, and pains beneath the surface.) 3. Dying to the wrong things. (Denying healthy pleasures of life – friendships, joy, music, beauty, laughter, etc. Not dying to self-protectiveness, defensiveness, lack of vulnerability, and judgementalism) 4. Denying the past impact on the present. (Never consider how family origin, culture, and significant people and events from the past have shaped your present.) 5. Dividing life into ‘secular’ and ‘sacred’ compartments. (Compartmentalizing God to ‘Christian Activities’ while forgetting about Him when at work, shopping, studying, or recreating)
6. Doing for God instead of being with God. (You tend to evaluate your spirituality based on how much you are doing for God.) 7. Spiritualizing away conflict. (You usually miss out on true peace by smoothing over disagreements, burying tensions, and avoiding conflict, rather than disrupting false peace as Jesus did.) 8. Covering over brokenness, weakness, and failure. (You have a hard time speaking freely about your weaknesses, failures, and mistakes.) 9. Living without limits and boundaries. (Those close to you would say that you often “try to do it all” or bite off more than you can chew.) 10. Judging the spiritual journeys of others. (You often find yourself occupied and bothered by the faults of those around you.)
QUESTIONS Where are you not emotionally healthy? Do you feel conflict between what you feel and how you live? On a scale of 1-5 (1 – very disconnected/ 5 – very connected, how connected is your spirituality with your emotional responses, behavior and total life?
CONFLICT GEN. 4:6,7/ ROM. 7:21-8:1 EMOTIONAL CONFLICT Is the presence of different and opposing emotions relating to a situation that has recently taken place or is in the process of being unfolded. LIFE CONFLICT Is when your life or a portion is out of order and seemingly in chaos due to spiritual disconnect and disobedience.
WHOLE LIFE INTEGRITY Spiritual connection – Vision – Prov. 29:18 Identity – Mission and Purpose – Rom. 8:28 Beliefs and values – Systems of thinking that determines decisions. – Prov. 23:7 Capabilities/ Abilities - Capacity to conquer – Prov. 16:32/ Rom. 8:35-37 Behavior – responses to your belief systems – Phil. 2:15 Environment – the space for belief developments and experiences – I Sam. 10:7
QUESTION Where is there a lack of alignment? What level in neurological changes do you feel the most stress?