Maximising Your Sales Skills! 11 th March 2016
Identify the key ‘factors for success’ for effective sales people Develop your own sales skills Develop your relationship building skills Identify and commit to ACTIONS to help you make it work for you! Have a bit of fun! The Aims Of This Morning Are To...
Who are you?
What Irritates You About Sales People?
What Makes A Good Sales Person?
Good Sales People..... Are courteous Know their stuff Are enthusiastic Have in depth understanding Are honest Prepare well Don’t knock the competition Offer advice and additional help Are good listeners Build rapport Behave naturally Spot opportunities to ‘sell up’ and ‘sell on’ Encourage customers to come back
Selling is not...
Selling is...
What are the ‘key ingredients’ in the ‘sales’ process?
A Process For Sales Meetings Prepare Rapport, trust and credibility Enquire and find needs Sell the benefits Seal the deal Upsell where appropriate Proactively ‘keep in touch’
Prepare! “I have a cunning plan!”
Understand.... What you want from the meeting / call What they want (and why?) Their ‘priorities’ Their perception of you Their position in the DMU Personal details Our relevant experience Time constraints / convenience Directions!
For this to be a great meeting, what do we need to have achieved?
What Works For You
How could you do this better
Rapport, Trust & Credibility – Build It!
7% 55% 38% Words Tones Visual What Makes The Impact In Face To Face Communication...
It’s what you say and how you say it!
Building Rapport! rapport: when two or more people feel that they are in sync or on the same wavelength because they feel similar or relate well to each other
Building Rapport.... Mirroring –emotional – empathizing / being on 'their side'. –tone and tempo mirroring - matching the tone, tempo, inflection, and volume of a person's voice Reciprocity –giving or doing favours without directly asking for something in return Commonality –finding things in common / shared interests, dislikes, and situations
Building rapport Eye contact Mirror and match Talk their language Actively listen Get to know them Find ‘common ground’ BE GENUINE!
Build Trust And Credibility.....
Demonstrate knowledge and experience – Yours – Your colleagues – The business –Your customers and contacts Give ideas and advice Give examples Provide relevant information Latest research, reviews, news Build Trust And Credibility.....
Customer 1: Male; born 1948: grew up in England; second marriage: 2 children: successful; wealthy: enjoys skiing in the alps in winter; likes dogs Customer 2: Male; born 1948: grew up in England; second marriage: 2 children: successful; wealthy: enjoys skiing in the alps in winter; likes dogs
Customer 1:
Knowing Me, Knowing You!
Their expectations of you Their perception of your performance Their perception of your capabilities Their aspirations future plans, and problems Them ‘personally’
Enquire And Find Needs
What are the benefits of asking questions!
The benefits of effective questioning: Obtaining information Clarifying things Identifying key issues Generating ideas Establishing opinions Checking understanding Building rapport Showing you’re
Who are you?
Guidelines.... One of you is ‘famous’ Others take it in turn to ask questions Only ask questions where the answer is ‘yes’ or ‘no’ When you get a ‘no’, move on to the next questioner At your turn you can guess – get it right, you win, wrong, you’re
What are the different types of
Open Questions: Who What Where Why When
What are the benefits of the different types of
Developing conversations Seeking opinions Exploring ideas Getting others to talk! Open
Closed Testing understanding Clarifying things Closing conversations
Who are you2?
Guidelines.... One of you is ‘famous’ Others take it in turn to ask questions Ask open questions: who, what, where, when, why, how One question each - then move on to the next questioner At your turn you can guess – get it right, you win, wrong, you’re
Prepare Ask ‘open’ questions Don’t be afraid to ask questions where the answer may be obvious Ask lots of questions to check understanding Ask questions, shut up and
Which questions could work for you?
Think about your sales calls..... What do you want to find out from people? Identify 6 questions that you could ask
Problem Seeking and.... Problem Solving!
Using ‘Problems’ As A Selling Tool Identify the problem –What are they trying to achieve? –What’s stopping them getting there? –What are their ‘challenges’? –What’s keeping them up at night? Amplify the problem –What is it costing them? –What’s the impact on the business? –What’s the impact on them? –How is it affecting them personally? Take it away –Do they have a solution? –Have you seen it before? –Offer solutions
Give people a damn good listening to!
Two ears, one mouth Focus on people as they are talking to you Repeat their name Be ‘interested’, not just interesting! Let them know you are listening Listen for feeling as well as fact Demonstrate empathy Use questions Build rapport
Sell The ‘Benefits’!
Features vs Benefits
Something it’s got vs Something it does for the customer
“Which means that….”
List 6 ‘Features’ and then (at least) 6 ‘Benefits’
Tell Stories......
‘You know how some ’ (customers suffer from...)’ ‘And if they don’t fix it, it results in.... (pain and suffering) ‘What we did was.....’ (keep it brief) ‘Which meant that they....’ (positive outcomes) ‘Which resulted in......’ (some tangible value)
Seal The Deal!
What are typical buying signals....
Typical ‘Buying Signals’ They agree with you They disagree with you! They keep talking They make comparisons They start asking questions They raise ‘objections’
Handling Objections!
What is an ‘objection’
Often a request for more information!
take CARE when dealing with objections Clarify Acknowledge Restate Explain
take CARE when dealing with complaints! Clarify Acknowledge Restate Ensure it’s sorted
listen actively question and check understanding probe deeper if necessary ask for more! let them talk don’t dismiss it Clarify....
Tell them it’s ok explain you’ve heard that before acknowledge that you understand their concern / question Acknowledge....
repeat what they’ve said check you’ve understood correctly be sincere use them to demonstrate your knowledge and expertise Restate....
restate and emphasise the benefits deal with the ‘specifics’ ask for their thoughts be flexible check whether you’ve ‘dealt’ with it Explain....
What are the common ‘objections’ you get?
Know when to walk!
Outcomes.... Ideal Acceptable Walk away
Discount ‘Discounting’!
Seal The Deal!
When is the best time to ‘Seal The Deal’...
At the earliest possible moment When the customer shows they are ready to commit When nothing else needs to be done Be ready from first minute Try to close all the time
Closing the sale Ask for the business! Don’t be pushy! ‘No’ is ok – it might not be ‘no’ for ever! Get agreement Clarify understanding Commit to agreed actions Thank them Deliver on your promises!
Upsell Where Appropriate!
maximise opportunities!
sell up and sell on!
KIT Proactively
K eep I n T ouch Proactively
Make sure you... deliver!
A Process For Sales Meetings Prepare Rapport, trust and credibility Enquire and find needs Sell the benefits Seal the deal Upsell where appropriate Proactively ‘keep in touch’
Prepare! “I have a cunning plan!”
Rapport, Trust & Credibility – Build It!
Enquire And Find Needs
Sell The ‘Benefits’!
Seal The Deal!
Upsell Where Appropriate!
KIT Proactively
“the more you engage with customers the clearer things become and the easier it is to determine what you should be doing” john russell, president, harley-davidson europe
so.... what are you going to do?
How to succeed in life...
We have all been told how we should give 100% Well here’s how to do more than that. Here’s how to achieve 103%. First of all, here’s a little maths that might prove helpful in the future.
NOTE THE FOLLOWING: S = 19 T = 20 U = 21 V = 22 W = 23 X = 24 Y = 25 Z = 26 J = 10 K = 11 L = 12 M = 13 N = 14 O = 15 P = 16 Q = 17 R = 18 A = 1 B = 2 C = 3 D = 4 E = 5 F = 6 G = 7 H = 8 I = 9
H A R D W O R K is = ONLY 98%
K N O W L E D G E is = ONLY 96%
A T T I T U D E is = 100%
B U L L S H I T is = 103% !!!