Organic farming development in CEECs Research Institute of Agricultural Economics (VUZE) Andrea Hrabalová Pavla Wollmuthová Summer Academy, 16 June 2008
Content Background and methodology Statistics: area under organic production, number of organic holdings, organic crops composition, number of organic livestock Data sources
Background and methodology The presentation is based on: the research on OF development in CEECs within the EU project “Further Development of Organic Farming Policy in Europe with particular emphasis on EU Enlargement” ( ) the updated information from Eurostat database supplemented by national sources The original data collection was carried out for the period and held in 8 CEECs : Czech Republic (CZ), Estonia (EE), Hungary (HU), Poland (PL), Slovenia (SI), Lithuania (LT), Latvia (LV) and Slovakia (SK)
Organic area and number of organic holdings
Total organic area in ha,
OF development in CEECs, Total organic area (ha)Annual growth rate (%)Share in 2005 UAA (%) CZ EE HU PL SI LT LV SK ALL
Share in total organic area among CEECs in 2000 and 2006 (%)
In-conversion area as % of total organic area by country, NB: Data for SI was not available.
Total number of organic farms,
Total number of organic farms, average size and share in total agricultural holdings Total number of organic farms Average size of farm (ha), 2006 Share in total agricultural holdings (%) organicconventional CZ ,35111,811,752,99 EE ,1430,050,834,23 HU ,55102,291,003,38 PL ,8210,600,090,61 SIna ,736,620,802,53 LT ,1667,400,555,58 LVnd ,7613,470,063,19 SK ,37226,111,023,09 ALL ,0917,730,201,17
Share in total organic holdings among CEECs in 2000 and 2006 (%)
Organic crop statistics
Organic land use structure (ha) by country, 2006 Arable land Of which: Fodder Pastures, meadows Permanent crops OtherTotal Share of grassland and fodder in total organic area CZ % EE % HU % PL94 224nd % SI % LT % LV % SK % ALL % NB: Data for PL was not available and are estimated.
Development of land use structure in CEECs,
Main categories of total organic arable land (ha), 2004 Cereals Protein crops Root crops Industrial crops VegetablesFodderOtherTotal CZ EE HU PL nd830nd SI LT LV SK ALL
Development of o rganic crops´ structure on arable land, NB: Data for PL was not available, was excluded.
Share of organic crop area in total crop area for selected crops (%), 2006 Share in: CZEEHUSILTLVSKALL 7ALL 7 (2004) Cereals0,63,00,9 4,75,61,61,91,0 Protein crops2,43,25,91,639,90,04,915,74,5 Root crops0,22,10,10,7 2,60,20,70,4 Industrial crops0,10,71,10,92,02,40,91,00,9 Vegetable7,64,81,12,91,4211,31,722,81,4 Fodder2,427,94,00,80,2 8,04,52,5 NB: Data for PL was not available, was excluded.
Organic livestock statistics
Organic livestock in CEECs (heads), 2006 Cattle Of which: Dairy cows SheepGoatsPigsPoultryHorsesTotal Total (2004) CZ EE HU11 453nd SI LT LV SK ALL Share42%4%39%3% 11%2%100%x NB: Data for PL was not available, was excluded.
Development of o rganic livestock (heads),
Share of organic livestock in total number of livestock (%), 2006 Share in: CZEEHUSILTLVSKALL 7ALL 7 (2004) Cattle8,35,81,63,21,014,75,75,51,8 Of which: Dairy cows1,03,0ndnd0,81,61,72,71,40,5 Sheep26,941,81,717,729,155,527,310,76,1 Goats23,119,95,115,63,032,33,69,43,7 Pigs0,050,130,050,300,022,190,030,20,1 Poultry0,030,270,040,280,010,420,000,1 Horses11,129,40,59,30,532,25,35,61,1
Livestock categories in organic compared to total agricultural farming in LU, 2006
Data sources EU project “Further Development of Organic Farming Policy in Europe with particular emphasis on EU Enlargement” ( ) University of Hohenheim, Organic Farming in Europe: Economics and Policy Volume 1-13 Willer, H., Yussefi, M.: The world of organic agriculture, statistics & emerging trends 2004 – 2007, IFOAM &FiBL. European Commission, Brussels: Different organic farming patterns within EU-25. Statistics in focus. (country reports) Eurostat database