Do first Check your blue book… the only blank pages should be :pg 28-32, 45-47, you should be working on Unit One Review. IF YOU HAVE ANY OTHER BLANKS, THEY ARE DUE THURSDAY! TEST IS THURSDAY
BIOME A BIOME is a large geographical area of distinctive plant and animal groups, which are adapted to that particular environment. The climate and geography of a region determines what type of biome can exist in that region. Each biome consists of many ecosystems whose communities have adapted to the small differences in climate and the environment.
2) Biomes are made up of 3 main factors 1- TEMPERATURE 2- MOISTURE 3- LATITUDE
BIOME MAP There’s a strong connection between climate zones and biomes, but they are NOT identical. Biomes rely not only on climate, but also on ELEVATION and SOIL CHARACTERISTICS too. CLIMATE MAP
South America has more biomes than any other continent. Andes Mountains of Peru Patagonia, Argentina Atacama Desert, Chile (Desert) Pampas, Argentina (Temperate Grassland/Steppe) Amazon Basin, Brazil (Tropical Rain Forest) Coast of Chile
1) TROPICAL RAIN FOREST: located in the tropical zone, covered with a heavy concentration of broad-leafed trees, which stay green throughout the year.
2) TROPICAL GRASSLANDS/ SAVANNA: Tropical grassland, flat with few trees.
3) DESERT: Less than 10 inches of precipitation per year Plants are specially adapted to live in a dry climate by conserving water and withstanding extreme heat
4) TEMPERATE GRASSLAND/ STEPPE Vast, treeless prairie, good for grazing herd animals
5) TEMPERATE DECIDUOUS/ BROAD LEAFED FOREST Large stands of trees that shed their leaves at least once a year; only located in the Northern Hemisphere
6) CONIFEROUS /NEEDLE LEAF FOREST or TAIGA Comprised of stands of trees with needles (such as pine, spruce, fir & cedar), which bear cones. Found in Northern regions of North America, Asia & Europe.
7) TUNDRA: Very little precipitation; subsoil always frozen; short cool summers; because of limited sunlight, most plants grow close to the ground to survive in a cold, harsh climate.
8- ICE CAP / ICE SHEET – This biome is found at the farthest northern and southern locations on the planet. Plant life is basically non-existent, so animals rely on the sea and eating other animals to survive.
Desert ScrubDesert Scrub Chaparral/MediterraneanChaparral/Mediterranean AlpineAlpine Other Biomes Include:
ALPINE ALPINE (sample) 1) DEFINITION: 1) DEFINITION: Alpine biomes are found in the mountain regions all around the world. They are usually at an altitude of about 10,000 feet or more. The Alpine biome lies just below the snow line of a mountain. 3) LATITUDE ZONE FOUND: Low & Mid Climate Zones 2) EXAMPLE LOCATION: 2) EXAMPLE LOCATION: Swiss Alps & Rocky Mountains
BIOSPHERE BIOSPHERE = the part of the earth's surface and atmosphere inhabited by living things
Assignment Create a Biome and Climate map on pages 45 & 46 Homework: Read pg and answer questions on 28