Map – a picture showing the features of a specific area People who make maps are called cartographers What are maps used for? to find our way describe characteristics of a place
Compass rose- four principal directions
Map Scale -represents distance between points
Legend (Key) -tells what each symbol represents
Map Skills
Physical Maps show the surface of the earth in great detail
Topographic Maps are more detailed kinds of physical maps Topography: surface shapes and features of the earth. Elevation – the height of land above seawater Contour lines – label the elevation of an area
Elevation Map
Contour Map
Resource Map-shows where resources are located
Thematic map – shows how things are distributed
Climatic map-Shows average weather or patterns of weather
Political Map – shows the boundaries between areas defined by a government
GIS - Geographic Information System -computer map that combines data from various sources
GPS- global positioning system - satellites that orbit the earth and send information that tells us location.
Physical map
Climatic map
Political Map
Resource map
Thematic map
Contour Map
Elevation Map