London Care Services London Transition Network 19 March 2012 London Councils
Fee review 2012/13 Meeting with boroughs and providers in September and December 2011 Survey issued to providers in September inviting them to send information about their fees for 12/13 Benchmark minus 3% –Working well with London including signing the London Contract –Expectation that all providers are Good or Outstanding –In or easily accessible to the capital –Reasonable return on investment
Fee review 2012/13
Survey returns IFA 74 IFA with Education 4 RCH 97 RCH with Education 115 RSS 33 Total 323
Fee review 2012/13 Results 83 fees signed off 213 negotiations on-going Foster Care Agencies 21 fees signed off Minus 8.6% to 0% Children’s Homes without Education 13 fees signed off Minus 5% to minus 2% Children’s Homes with Education 48 fees signed off Minus 5% to 0%
Fee review 2012/13 Ofsted Report “After Care” 12 March Young people’s views about leaving care: –Almost half of care leavers (46%) thought they had to leave care too early –49% thought they had not been sufficiently prepared for leaving care Discussions with providers include opportunities to extend their services by offering further education, training and supported accommodation Welcome feedback on services that boroughs and parents value to inform our planning for 2012/13
Next steps The network meetings are effective in exchanging information and facilitate opportunities for service improvement London Councils refurbishing work and Olympics (Mar- Oct’12) Ongoing discussion Thank you Barbara Flight Cristina de Paiva Brooker