By: Courtney Kennedy
McDonald’s Ad This is a McDonald’s advertisement in a video game, directed toward children and adolescents who play the video game. Author is telling audience that the characters in the video game love McDonald’s, so the user can relate to the video game character and love McDonald’s too. McDonald’s benefits from this advertisement, but children and adolescents who eat McDonald’s too often are becoming over-weight because the food is not the healthiest to eat. Language is simple, while slogan is commonly known, to appeal to audience. Monsters are used instead of humans, because monsters can be more appealing to young children.
Barbie Ad A mom and daughter are represented playing with Barbie dolls. The author is displaying that Barbie playtime can be bonding time between mother and daughter. This advertisement is directed toward young girls, indicating that they can spend time with their mothers by playing Barbie dolls together. The Barbie company benefits from the advertisement, but young girls can be hurt from the advertisement if they do not have a mother to bond with, or if they compare themselves to Barbie’s appearance and/or accessories. The text also suggests daughters will learn beauty techniques from their mothers through use of Barbie dolls. This displays to young girls the way they should look, how they should do their hair, etc. This can make young girls self- conscience of their appearance as well. Sons and dads are not displayed because Barbie dolls are made for females to play with.
Cell Phone Ad School children are represented using cell phones. The author is showing all students enjoying the use of cell phones at school. This ad is directed to appeal toward children. Cell phone companies benefit from this, but children can hurt from this if their family cannot afford to buy them a cell phone. Parents can also become annoyed by their children begging them to get them a cell phone. There is no text, but the message is clear that all of these school children are enjoying their cell phones. Students attending private school are displayed rather than public school children, possibly indicating all private school children can afford cell phones.
Cigarette Ad Adolescents are represented smoking cigarettes. The author is displaying that cigarettes can be used among friends. The girls appear to look ‘cool’ sharing their cigarette heat, to light one another’s cigarette. The text is aimed toward adolescents because the characters appear to be in their adolescents. Cigarette companies benefit from this, but adolescents hurt from this because they can be appealed to use cigarettes even though there are many health risks involved in smoking. There is no text, but the message is clear that cigarette use can be shared among friends and is a ‘cool’ thing to do. Older people who may have lung cancer due to cigarette smoking are not included in the photo because that reality does not want to be displayed for fear of turning adolescents away from smoking. Also, getting people hooked onto smoking at earlier ages will cause them to become addicted, and they will have to continue purchasing cigarettes for many years.
Old Navy Ad Children are represented wearing clothes on sale. The author is showing these kids full of joy, wearing the clothes that are on sale. The ad is for both parents and children. Children love the clothes, and parents can buy them at a cheaper price. The Old Navy clothing company benefits from this, but young children who cannot afford to buy new clothes can hurt from this ad because they are unable to get the awesome new clothes. The text displays the low cost of the clothing, while the children are happy to wear the clothes. Adolescents and adults are not displayed because the clothing is made to fit children. There are two anglo children, with one colored child to show diverse children can wear clothing.
Photo Credits Slide shows-you-dont-mind-buy-gta-4-ads-your-video- games?page=0%2C0%2C2http:// shows-you-dont-mind-buy-gta-4-ads-your-video- games?page=0%2C0%2C2 Slide / / Slide should-use-cell-phone.htmlhttp:// should-use-cell-phone.html Slide smoking-habit/ smoking-habit/ Slide off-kids-baby-clothes-old-navy.html off-kids-baby-clothes-old-navy.html