BIOSURF WP 4: SUSTAINABLE RAW MATERIAL SUPPLY for the Production of Biomethane Gülzow Kristin Sternberg Kick-Off Meeting, Vienna, Feb.
Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. Content Objectives of WP 4 WP Structure Presentation of Tasks Flow Charts Next steps Q&A Sustainable raw material supplypage: 2
Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. Objective Increase the production/ use of biomethane, while safeguarding sustainable raw material supply Address traceability, environmental criteria and quality standards, aiming to reduce GHG emissions and ILUC, and to preserve biodiversity Develop a guideline on sustainable raw material supply for a European biomethane market Sustainable raw material supplypage: 3
Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. WP Structure T4.1 Status assessment on data availability of raw material categories T4.2 Data collection, processing and estimation of current/future technical/sustainable raw material supply T4.3 Benchmark and gap analysis of C&I => WP 7 T4.4 Selected country analyses of sustainable biomethane production (all partner countries) => WP 6 (IT, FR, AT) T4.5 Consistent cross-sectoral sustainability C&I T4.6 Guidelines for biomethane value chain evaluation Sustainable raw material supplypage: 4
Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V Sustainable raw material supplypage: 5 Task 4.1 – Status assessment on data availability of selected raw material categories Inventory of three broad sources: Animal waste (DBFZ) Other waste materials (AKB) Sustainable Biomass (FNR) Includes data existing inside consortium + national and international level bodies (e.g. EUROSTAT, EEA) + results of other suitable projects Output: Report on data availability of selected raw material categories => Month 6 Involves: FNR, EBA, AKB, CIB,HBA, DBFZ, GRCETA, REA, GBA
Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V Sustainable raw material supplypage: 6 Task 4.2 – Data collection, processing and estimation of current/ future technical & sustainable raw material supply Source: DBFZ
Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V Sustainable raw material supplypage: 7 Task 4.2 Focus on 6 partner countries, definition of categories, design of format Review of completed studies & respective outlooks Develop estimates of sustainable raw material supply for defined categories Comparison of existing data & stakeholder requirements (input from WP 3, WP 5, WP 6, other projects) & sustainability requirements (T4.3 - T4.6) Output: Report on current and future sustainable biomass supply for biomethane production => Month 12 Involves: FNR, EBA, AKB, CIB,HBA, DBFZ, GRCETA, REA, GBA
Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V Sustainable raw material supplypage: 8 Task 4.3 – Benchmark and gap analysis of C&I Builds on regulatory framework information collected in WP 7 Analysis of various biomethane value chains in regard to their sustainability: Sustainability requirements in legislation/ regulations Voluntary approaches & managment practices Voluntary certification schemes Output: Report – Benchmark and gap analysis of C&I => Month 16 Involves: FNR, EBA, AKB, CIB,HBA, DBFZ, GRCETA, REA, GBA
Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V Sustainable raw material supplypage: 9 Task 4.4 – Selected Country Analysis of sustainable biomethane production Conditions in different EU-Member States are likely to vary Country analysis to identify how sustainability aspects in biomethane value chains are handled nationally Carried out in 6 partner countries Close link to WP 6; complements T4.3 regarding implemented practices Output: Report – Selected Country Analysis of sustainable biomethane => Month 18 Involves: FNR, EBA, AKB, CIB, HBA, DBFZ, GRCETA, REA, GBA
Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V Sustainable raw material supplypage: 10 Task 4.5 – Consistent cross-sectoral sustainability C&I Identification and selection of sustainability C&I relevant for all considered biomass sources/ categories Consolidates findings of T4.3 and T4.4 regarding scientific, regulatory and practical C&I for sustainable biomethane value chains Special focus: iLUC Guidelines for calculation of quantifiable sustainability indicators for biomethane value chains and overall performance Output: Report – Cross-sectoral sustainability C&I => Month 24 Involves: FNR, EBA, AKB, DBFZ
Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V Sustainable raw material supplypage: 11 Task 4.6 – Guidelines for biomethane value chain evaluation Evaluation of sustainability performance of biomethane value chains and specifically their feedstock sources Harmonisation of sustainability assessment of biomethane production (link to T4.4, T4.5, WP 5) to get comparable results Two approaches: „Traffic light“ for identifying sustainability performance of various biomethane feedstock sources Refined quantitative analysis based on C&I from T4.5 and user specified inputs Output: Guidelines for biomethane evaluation => Month 30 Involves: FNR, EBA, AKB, DBFZ
Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V Sustainable raw material supplypage: 12 WP 4 – Flow Chart Feedstock supply Feedstock supply + Sustain. requirements Sustainability C&I T4.6 Guidelines for biomethane value chain evaluation T4.1 Inventory of Feedstock Sources T4.2 Data collection, processing, estimation T4.3 Benchmark & Gap analysis (theoret. approach) T4.4 Country analysis (pract. approach) T4.5 Consistent sustainability C&I Guidelines for calculating quantif. sustainability indicators WP5 DBFZ Anim. Waste DBFZ WP3 EBA WP5 DBFZ WP6 CIB Sust. Biomass FNR Other Waste AKB WP7 EBA WP6 CIB
Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V Sustainable raw material supplypage: 13 WP 4 – Flow Chart – Outputs, Responsibilities, Time frame T4.6 Guidelines for biomethane evaluation (FNR) T4.1 Report on data availability of selected raw material categories (FNR) T4.2 Report on current and future sustainable biomass supply for biomethane production (FNR) T4.3 Benchmark & Gap analysis of C&I (EBA) T4.4 Selected Country Analysis of sustainable biomethane (CIB) T4.5 Cross-sectoral sustainability C&I (FNR) June 2015 Dec 2015 April 2016 Dec 2016 June 2016 June 2017
Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V Sustainable raw material supplypage: 14 Next steps T4.1 Status assessment on data availability of selected raw material categories FNR, DBFZ and AKB have to organise inventory of the named feedstock sources => develop consistent data collection format Particular emphasis on the 6 partner‘s countries Includes data existing inside consortium => addressing project partners for suitable info + national and international level bodies (e.g. EUROSTAT, EEA) + results of other relevant projects (e.g. S2Biom) => prepare a list of suitable sources & summary of relevant info Reference to RED Set priorities for following data collection & analysis Summarise findings in report (D4.1) Next Meeting: June 2015
Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. Thank you for your attention! Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. (FNR) Hofplatz Gülzow-Prüzen page: Das ist der Titel dieser Präsentation