Can you be British and religious? LO: To explore what it’s like to be religious and British To consider why equality, diversity and tolerance is important.


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Presentation transcript:

Can you be British and religious? LO: To explore what it’s like to be religious and British To consider why equality, diversity and tolerance is important in British society

What are the values of Britain? 1. What do you think the five main rules of living in Britain should be? 2. Imagine you are explaining to someone who has never been to Britain before. How do we expect people to behave? E.g. manners What rules do we have? E.g. Queuing What about rules over religion or beliefs?

British Values Watch this What do you think we mean when we talk about ‘British values?’

HINDU CATHOLIC SIKH MUSLIM BUDDIST JEWISH Match the person to their religion


Religions Celebrated in Britain Task – on your sheet see if you can match up the correct percentage of people who practise this religion in the UK Christianity2.7% No Religion0.6% Muslim1% Hindu0.3% Sikh15.5% Jewish0.3% Buddhist0.5% Other71.6%

Religions Celebrated in Britain Christianity2.7% No Religion0.6% Muslim1% Hindu0.3% Sikh15.5% Jewish0.3% Buddist0.5% Other71.6%

Religions Celebrated in Britain Christianity 71.6% No Religion 15.5% Muslim 2.7% Hindu 1% Sikh 0.6% Jewish 0.5% Buddist 0.3% Other 0.3%

Describe-What does this picture show?

Explain-What does the picture tell us about being a Muslim in Britain?

Religious descrimination After the September 11 th attacks on the Twin Towers there was a backlash against many of the ordinary Muslims in the world. Some were attacked and faced prejudice because of peoples’ attitudes that Islam is associated with terrorism – this prejudiced view towards Muslims has become known as Islamaphobia. In reality, most Muslims were against the attacks. Islam teaches peace and the Islamic greeting Salaam translates as ‘peace’.

Describe - What does this picture show?

Explain - What do the picture and the text tell us about being a Muslim in Britain? “I was born here, I’ve never been to Bangladesh. I certainly don’t feel Bangladeshi. So when they say, ‘Go back home,’ where should I go? Wearing my niqab does not mean I do not want to be a part of British society, it means I am proud of my religion. It makes me feel safe and secure.” SAJIDA KHATON, a Londoner who wears a full-face Muslim veil.

What are the challenges? In pairs, make a spider diagram of ideas. Pick a religion and decide what the issues may be about following this and living in the UK. Think about… Clothes? Ramadan? Prayer? Stereotypes?

WatchWatch the clip. Do we think this is how Islam is represented in the media?

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Hot seat a Religious person!. Write down two questions you would like to ask a religious person about being religious and British.

Task: Create your own Olympic Opening Ceremony Using the facts about Britain you must create your own London Olympics Opening Ceremony to reflect what it means, to you and other’s in society, to be British Include pictures and collected British words Include pictures and short descriptions using collected examples and words Include pictures and explanations of how your examples reflect British identity and diversity