Research Principles in VET Formulating Research Problems and Research Questions
Research Research is a systematic collection, analysis and interpretation of data to generate new knowledge and answer a certain question or solve a problem. Research: demands a clear statement of the problem requires a plan you will use to come across a solution builds on existing data, using both positive and negative findings allows required data to be collected and organised in such a way that they answer the research question(s)
Research When you conduct research, you: pose questions collect data to answer the questions to prove the hypothesis present answers to the questions Follows a series of steps: Identify a Research Problem Formulate the Research Questions Review the literature Collect the data Analyse and interpret the data Write the report
Approaches to Research Quantitative concerned with investigating things which we could observe and measure in some way such observations and measurements can be made objectively and repeated by other researchers gather numerical data use statistical analysis to determine the results and generalise it across a group of people Experimental Does the use of the computer labs in the library increase during examination preparation?
Approaches to Research Quantitative Descriptive What percentage of students use the computer labs in the library? What is the relationship between the mode of study and use of library computer labs? How often do the students use the computer lab in the library?
Approaches to Research Quantitative approach poses problems when trying to explain human behaviour in simply measurable terms. Measurements tell us how often or how many people behave in a certain way but they do not adequately answer the “why” and “how” questions. Research must also increase our understanding of why things are the way they are in our social world and why people act the ways they do
Approaches to Research Qualitative exploratory in-depth exploration of what people think, feel or do and why it aims to help us to understand the social aspects of our world, in which we live and why things are the way they are. Why people behave the way they do? How opinions and attitudes are formed? How people are affected by the events that go on around them? How and why cultures have developed in the way they have?
Approaches to Research Qualitative Only applicable to a context so no generalisations are done Examples: What are the students experience of using the computer labs in the Library? How helpful are the computer labs in the library for students to their studies?
Identify a Research Problem Topic you are interested in Problem you want to solve Decide on the approach Exploratory Descriptive Experimental
Research Problems Avoid broad problems Examples Students cannot read Students struggle with Maths Hard to measure and solve Make the problem clear so it can be measured and solved
Clarifying your Problem Focus Students cannot read Students cannot identify main arguments or ideas in the passage Students cannot summarise Students struggle with Maths Students cannot solve word problems Students cannot apply Maths in real life situations
Research Questions Questions that need to be asked to solve the identified research problem Provides clarity to the investigation Characteristics Address the problem Clear Specific Identifies the target audience/participants
Research Questions-Examples Will students in classrooms of teachers receiving professional development in teaching and learning strategies show improvements in performance compared to those who do not receive professional development? What is the impact of the teachers’ professional development on the students?
Good vs Bad Research Questions Good Do students in private schools perform better than in government schools in grade 12 examinations? Do the use of metacognitive strategies improve VET students understanding of main ideas in English comprehension tests? Bad Why do some students perform better than others in grade 12 examinations? What strategies improve students understanding of main ideas in English comprehension tests?
Good vs Bad Research Questions Good What are the beliefs of Mathematics teachers in high schools regarding teaching students with learning disabilities? What are the achievement goals of high schools students with learning disabilities? Bad What are the beliefs of teachers regarding students with disabilities? What are the achievement goals of students?
Class Activity Clarify the focus of your research problem Is your approach qualitative or quantitative. Explain your answer Develop 2-3 research questions Assess the quality of your questions