Warm-Up: On page 82 in your ISN… Answer the following questions in complete sentences: 1.The Pearl is told in 3 rd person omniscient, which means we get an all- knowing insight into every character in the story. Why do you think the author chose to write the story this way? 2.Pick one of the characters from Chapter 3. Writing in 1 st person (using “me,” or “I”), describe how they feel about the finding of “The Pearl of the World.” How do they think this will change things positively for that character? Do they see any negative impact? Make sure to include how that character thinks the pearl will change his or her life.
On Page 83 in your ISN… For each character in the web diagram, explain how “The Pearl of the World” has affected his or her life. These can be positive effects or negative effects. Use examples from the text to support your response. PEARL Kino Juana The Doctor The Priest The Pearl Buyers People of the Village
On page 84 in your ISN Make a list of possible themes for what you have read of The Pearl so far. Explain why you think that is a theme. (For example: “Never Give Up” is a theme in The Little Engine That Could). Write a list of at least 5-10 personality/character traits for each of the following characters: Kino, Juana, The Doctor, and The Priest
On page 87 in your ISN… answer in complete sentences (3-4) Group 1 and 5: – How does the author’s use of figurative language help to improve the overall flow of the story? How does it help you to connect with and understand the story and the setting? Give an example that you have found from the story Group 2 and 6: – How does the author’s use of characterization help to show you each of the character’s motivation in the story, as well as his or her personality? Give an example that you have found from the story. Group 3 and 7: – Think back on one of the themes you came up with for The Pearl (pg. 84 in your ISN). How does the author’s use of conflict and complication help to represent that theme? Give an example that you have found from the story. Group 4: – Pick one of the most important phrases or quotes you have found in the book so far. Why is that an important phrase or quote and how does it help to show characterization, setting, theme, or plot?
On page 88 in your ISN… Pick one of the options below and answer in complete sentences (3-4) Option 1 – How does the author’s use of figurative language help to improve the overall flow of the story? How does it help you to connect with and understand the story and the setting? Give an example that you have found from the story. Option 2 – How does the author’s use of characterization help to show you each of the character’s motivation in the story, as well as his or her personality? Give an example that you have found from the story. Option 3 – Think back on one of the themes you came up with for The Pearl (pg. 84 in your ISN). How does the author’s use of conflict and complication help to represent that theme? Give an example that you have found from the story. Option 4 – Pick one of the most important phrases or quotes you have found in the book so far. Why is that an important phrase or quote and how does it help to show characterization, setting, theme, or plot?
On page 89 in your ISN… Answer the question below in complete sentences (3-4) “Kino,” she said huskily, “I am afraid. A man can be killed. Let us throw the pearl back into the sea.” “Hush,” he said fiercely. “I am a man. Hush.” And she was silent, for his voice was command. Explain what Kino means by saying to Juana “I am a man.” What does this say about their relationship and how has their relationship changed since finding the pearl? Based on their disagreement about what to do with the pearl at the end of chapter 4, make a prediction about how their relationship will continue to change.
On page 90 in your ISN… Answer two out of the three questions below in complete sentences (3-4) 1.At the end of the chapter Kino says, “This pearl has become my soul.... If I give it up I shall lose my soul.” Thoroughly explain what he means. 2.Why does Juana follow Kino on his path of life even if she disagrees with some of his choices? Find a quote from the novel to help provide evidence of your thinking. Would you follow Kino if you were her? Why or Why not? 3.In chapter 5, Kino has resorted to assaulting his wife and committing the crime of murder. How has Kino changed from the beginning of the novel to where we are now? Explain how he was at the beginning of the book and what choices and complications have caused him to change.
On page 90 in your ISN… Answer two out of the three questions below in complete sentences (3-4) 1.What does the pearl symbolize? Use evidence/quotes from the text to support your answer. What would you compare the pearl to in our modern day world and why? 2.What does the city of stone and plaster symbolize in comparison to the brush hut homes? Use evidence/quotes from the text to support your answer. What would you compare this symbolism to in our modern day world and why? 3.What does Kino’s canoe symbolize? Use evidence/quotes from the text to support your answer. What would you compare this symbolism to in our modern day world and why?