St Peter’s C of E Primary School
At the start of the 19th century (1800) very few children went to school. Nearly all children were poor and worked. If they went to school, their families lost money. Victorian Child Labour was normal in the 1800 ′ s. Where do you think these children are working? What children used to do? Mill Coal Mine Farm
Would you like to live like George Bentley?
Up to 1760 there was no education in Whetstone for the poor at all. School on a weekday? Evidence shows the Church of England had a Sunday school operating by 1797 in the Village; children worked for the rest of the week for their families and in farms and factories.
School Rules in 1797 There were set rules in the Whetstone Sunday School in I wonder which are similar and which were different to now.
Whetstone Day School In 1839 the church worked with the community and cottages were used as a Day school. Mr Lievre was the School Master and it was a free school for 7-10 year olds. Other children could pay. There were 30 free places and 30 paid places. Children did though have to pay 1 penny a week for pens and ink and sixpence a year for fuel.
New laws to get children to school 1833 Factories Act : Children under 9 were not to work at all in factories. 1880The Elementary Education act: compulsory attendance for 5–10 year olds. 1893: The leaving age for school was raised to 11 then 13.
Whetstone National School On 11 th June Exactly 150 years ago a Trust Deed was signed and Whetstone Primary School began. The Church worked with the National Society and the community to pay for the school It was much smaller when it was first built just 2 rooms.
Trinity College Cambridge Trinity College, Cambridge University gave the land of the school to St Peter’s Church. The vicar was Rev Newby. Trinity Road and College Road in Whetstone are named after Trinity College.
Whetstone National School In 1874 an infant room was added and gallery. In 1905 there were 170 children. 3 teachers taught 3 classes and only 1 teacher was qualified. Rev Newby also kept a school log book. What do you think the field was used for?
Whetstone National School Around the 1870’s in Leicestershire many farmers and factory owners broke the law and employed children. Those children came to school as half-timers and it caused lots of problems. Attendance at school was also low because many children still had to pay to come and their parents couldn’t afford it. Other children got sick and died.
Pupils from Whetstone National School grew up and went to fight in the first world war. Many died and their names are written on the Memorial in Whetstone. (see 1 st link below) There a lots of great old photos about whetstone in general on the link below. What else can you find out? WWI
St Peter’s C of E Primary School In 1944 money began to be raised for a new school building. In 1976 Whetstone C of E Primary School was opened. The old buildings were still kept and there were 320 on the books. When a 2 nd school in Whetstone was opened the school was renamed St Peter’s C of E Primary School.
St Peter’s C of E Primary School. Happy Birthday!!!