Cyberlesson by Mrs. Davis for class 4-315
Integration of Knowledge & Ideas: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.R.9 Analyze how two or more texts address similar themes or topics in order to build knowledge or to compare the approaches the authors take.CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.R.9 LET’S FIRST WATCH THIS BRAINPOP VIDEO ABOUT COLUMBUS: moushistoricalfigures/christophercolumbus/ “How do we learn about the past by reading different types of stories?”
I CAN LEARN ABOUT THE PAST BY READING DIFFERENT TYPES OF STORIES I ntegration of Knowledge & Ideas: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.R.9 Analyze how two or more texts address similar themes or topics in order to build knowledge or to compare the approaches the authors take. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.R.9 “How do we learn about the past by reading different types of stories?”
CONSIDERING COLUMBUS’ “ENCOUNTER” WITH NATIVE AMERICANS FROM A TAINO BOY’S POINT OF VIEW DECIDING HOW NEW PERSPECTIVES INFLUENCE & CHANGE OUR OWN THINKING ABOUT THE PAST Key Ideas and Details: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.R.1 CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.R.1 Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text. “How do we learn about the past by reading different types of stories?”
CONSIDERING COLUMBUS’ “ENCOUNTER” WITH NATIVE AMERICANS FROM A TAINO BOY’S POINT OF VIEW DECIDING HOW NEW PERSPECTIVES INFLUENCE & CHANGE OUR OWN THINKING ABOUT THE PAST CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.R.8 CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.R.8 Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, including the validity of the reasoning as well as the relevance and sufficiency of the evidence “How do we learn about the past by reading different types of stories?”
Did you know that a story can be different depending on who is telling it? Did you ever wonder what the story of a Native American would sound like if they were telling it? How might that same story be different if a European told it? Today we are going to read a story that will help us answer some of these questions.
Encounter by Jane Yolen Reading Journals Laptops with internet access Crayons/Markers/Colored Pencils Pen/Pencil
An author writes from a certain perspective or point of view when telling a story. Point of view refers to who tells us a story and how it is told. What we know and how we feel about the events in a story are shaped by the author’s point of view. As we read Encounter, decide which point of view the author takes when telling the story. Ask yourself, “Why do you think the author is writing from this particular point of view?” Essential Question How do we learn about the past by reading different types of stories?
Have you ever experienced a situation when someone didn’t listen to you or believe what you were saying because they thought you were too young? Share your experience by writing a paragraph in your Reader Response Journals. Remember to explain the event and include how you felt.
Look at the illustrations on the cover of the book. Who are the people? What else do you notice about the illustrations? What do you think the title Encounter means? Based on the title and pictures, what do you think this story will be about?
Read pages 1-15 in Encounter. What items did the Taino tribe and the Europeans trade? Make a list of the items the Taino gave to the Europeans and then list the items the Europeans gave to the Taino. Click on the picture below to organize your information. Who are the Europeans? Check out this site to help you find the answer. Why do you think the Taino gave the Europeans valuable gifts but not did receive equal gifts in return? What were the Europeans most interested in? Click on the site below if you are unsure. MORE INFO ABOUT TAINO-COLUMBUS ENCOUNTER: html html
At one point in the story, the young boy goes to his Zemis and asks it for help. What is a Zemis? Visit this website to find out what it is and why it was used in the story. What is a Zemis? Why does the young Taino boy keep telling his people not to welcome the Europeans? Why is he so afraid?
Let’s check our prediction sheet to see if we need to make any changes now that we are reading the story. Answer the questions below to help you revisit and/or revise your original predictions. Who is the European’s leader? How do you know? Use information from the story to confirm or defend your predictions. Why do you think the author chose the title Encounter for this book? How has your original title prediction changed? So far are your predictions about the story accurate? What is different and why? Put a check mark next to your predictions that stayed the same.
Look closely at the picture on the last page. What do you notice about this picture? How is it different from the other pictures in the story? Consider the character, his facial expression, the setting and the background. CHOOSE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING ACTIVITIES TO EXPLORE THE DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES SHARED IN ENCOUNTER: Using the information on the last page, write a letter that the old man would give to his children or grandchildren. The letter should include the following: 1. The lesson that the old man learned in the story. 2. His thoughts and feelings about Columbus and his men. 3. What the old man would do differently if he had the chance to relive the experience. 4. His hopes and dreams for future generations. OR:
Point of view refers to who tells us a story and how it is told. Now it’s your turn to become a character from the story and inform the reader of their point of view. Create an “I AM” poem from the point of view of one of the following: The old man Christopher Columbus One of the Europeans One of the Taino tribe Click here to write your “I Am” poem: OR am-poem.pdf
Create your own Zemis! The Zemis played an important role in the Taino culture and dream interpretation. You already researched what a Zemis is and why it was used in the story. Now it’s your turn to create a Zemis that you can turn to in time of need. Using the Artist’s Workshop format, research the websites below to construct a Zemis of your own. Remember to include a 3-4 sentence explanation of what you would use your Zemis for and how it can help you when you need advice. Create a Zemis Create a Zemis My own Zemis Click here to create! My own Zemis
Read the author’s note on the last page of Encounter. What are some questions you still have about Christopher Columbus or the Taino Tribe? Come up with 3 new questions you have about Columbus and 3 new questions about the Taino tribe. Visit the websites below to help you answer your questions. You can record your questions and answers in your Reader Response Journals. Christopher Columbus Taino Tribe
4 Advanced 3 Proficient 2 Basic Before Reading Building and Activating Background Knowledge Describes the situation in detail and includes an explanation of the event and personal feelings. Prediction is accurate, uses complete sentences and supports prediction with 2-3 pieces of evidence from text. Adequately describes the situation in detail and includes an explanation of the event and feelings. Prediction is accurate, uses complete sentences, but prediction may not be supported with evidence from the text. Briefly writes about the situation and may or may not include an explanation of the event and/or feelings. Prediction is somewhat accurate, does not use complete sentences and has insufficient or incorrect evidence from the text. During Reading Reading and Responding Lists 3-5 items on T-Chart Checks predictions and revises If necessary Researches info on the Zemis and explains what it is and why it is used in the story Lists 2-4 items on T-Chart Checks predictions and revises if necessary Researches info on the Zemis and briefly explains what it is or why it is used in the story Lists 1 or 2 items on T-Chart Does not check or revise predictions Researches info on the Zemis and lists 1 or 2 facts but does not explain what is it/why used After Reading Thinking more deeply and revisiting the text. Follows the steps of the letter generator, correctly formats letter, and includes all criteria for the body of the letter. Letter is organized with specific details. I AM poem is from a character’s point of view, uses descriptive words, and retells events from the story. Follows the steps of the letter generator, formats the letter, and includes some criteria for the body of the letter. Letter is organized with some specific details. I AM poem is from a character’s point of view and retells events from the story. Follows the steps of the letter generator, format of letter is incorrect or incomplete, and is missing most of the criteria for the letter. Letter is unorganized with mostly general details. I AM poem is not from a character’s point of view, contains no description or retelling of events. Beyond Reading Going beyond the text Zemis is creative and colorful including a 3-4 sentence description.-EXTRA CREDIT Generated a total of 6 questions about Columbus and the Taino tribe, including answers to the questions. Zemis is creative, contains some color, and includes a 2-3 sentence description.-EXTRA CRECIT Generated 3-6 questions about either Columbus or the Taino tribe, and included a few answers to the questions. Zemis is drawn and does not contain any color, along with an incomplete description. Listed 3 questions about Columbus and the Taino tribe. Did not include answers to the questions.
Encounter by Jane Yolen All Clip Art~ aspx?lc= enus Websites~
Encounter picture: