Digital Cultural Heritage – Roadmap for Preservation Rome, 08 /10/2012Kick-off meeting - 1 Work Package 4 Case Studies and Best Practice Jean Moulin Rosette Vandenbroucke Belgian Science Policy Office
Digital Cultural Heritage – Roadmap for Preservation Rome, 08 /10/2012Kick-off meeting - 2 Table of content General objective of WP4 Plans for Task 4.1 Plans for Task 4.3 Plans for Task 4.4
Digital Cultural Heritage – Roadmap for Preservation Rome, 08 /10/2012Kick-off meeting - 3 Objective of WP 4 (1) Title is “Case Studies and Best Practice” In the text also described as: “analyse case studies to extract knowledge and best practice” and should support the validation of the WP3 results.
Digital Cultural Heritage – Roadmap for Preservation Rome, 08 /10/2012Kick-off meeting - 4 Objective of WP 4 (2) The general objective will be obtained by the execution of 4 major tasks: -Task 4.1: Trust building * -Task 4.2: Engagement with commercial publishers -Task 4.3: e-infrastructure concertation workshop * -Task 4.4: International cooperation *
Digital Cultural Heritage – Roadmap for Preservation Rome, 08 /10/2012Kick-off meeting - 5 Task 4.1 (1) Trust building between “institutions involved in building the e-infrastructure” and those “who are to use it” -Process to realise this objective -Role of certification -Authenticity, integrity and provenance of digital objects -Access and authentication services offered by e- infrastructures
Digital Cultural Heritage – Roadmap for Preservation Rome, 08 /10/2012Kick-off meeting - 6 Task 4.1 (2) Plans for the next 6 months (Task leader: RA) Start in month 3 with a desk study in order to analyse existing trust models and then extending it to the distributed architecture of a preservation system that uses GRID service providers
Digital Cultural Heritage – Roadmap for Preservation Rome, 08 /10/2012Kick-off meeting - 7 Task 4.1 (3) 1.Based on the literature analysis, we can create a theoretical model (for example a risk profile/list for a distributed preservation system; risks are more practical to deal with; a trust model is more theoretical) Input from: RA, EVKM and Promoter
Digital Cultural Heritage – Roadmap for Preservation Rome, 08 /10/2012Kick-off meeting - 8 Task 4.1 (4) 2.Test the literature-based model (risk profile/ list) in practice, which means apply it to GRID providers offering preservation services test it with memory institutions who are planning to use GRID providers. One tool for doing that is a survey. Another is focus groups Input from RA, EVKM, Promoter and BELSPO
Digital Cultural Heritage – Roadmap for Preservation Rome, 08 /10/2012Kick-off meeting - 9 Task 4.1 (5) Authentication and access control aspects should be studied and tested in practice (probably varying from country to country)
Digital Cultural Heritage – Roadmap for Preservation Rome, 08 /10/2012Kick-off meeting - 10 Task 4.3 (1) Part of the tasks to start within the first 6 months: -Establish contact with e-Infrastructure providers representatives and explain DCH-RP -Set up of a virtual meeting place and start of the virtual meetings – Month 4
Digital Cultural Heritage – Roadmap for Preservation Rome, 08 /10/2012Kick-off meeting - 11 Task 4.3 (2) Task execution plan: Technical task Identify hardware platform to install virtual meeting software Identify software for virtual meeting Install virtual meeting platform
Digital Cultural Heritage – Roadmap for Preservation Rome, 08 /10/2012Kick-off meeting - 12 Task 4.3 (3) Task execution plan: Virtual platform population: Select participants Define communication plan to start the virtual meeting
Digital Cultural Heritage – Roadmap for Preservation Rome, 08 /10/2012Kick-off meeting - 13 Task 4.4 (1) 1)International cooperation inside Europe: this has to be planned together with and could include DCH-RP workshops and demonstration at the EGI Community and Technical Forums and collaboration with other dissemination projects/initiatives like, for example, e-ScienceTalk ( and i-SGTW (
Digital Cultural Heritage – Roadmap for Preservation Rome, 08 /10/2012Kick-off meeting - 14 Task 4.4 (2) 2) International cooperation outside Europe: INFN will promote cooperation with: -RedCLARA ( in Latin -ASGC ( in Taiwan and the rest of Asia Pacific -CHAIN-REDS ( project, that will start on the 1st of December 2012, in several regions of the -eI4Africa (website non existing yet) project, that will start on the 1st of November 2012, in sub-Saharan Africa -ASREN ( in the Mediterranean and Gulf Arab
Digital Cultural Heritage – Roadmap for Preservation Rome, 08 /10/2012Kick-off meeting - 15 Jean Moulin Rosette Vandenbroucke Mobile: