TODAY’S GOALS Peer review the final draft of your podcast scripts Review the most important material from ENC1930
PODCAST WALKING TOUR CHECKLIST Introduction Hook Greetings Overview of location Outline of podcast Body Directions between places Instructions for using audio file Descriptions of important landmarks/items Information about history and individual sites Conclusion Restate most important facts/ideas Farewell and thank you to listeners Information about future podcasts (optional) Works Cited page Reference any sources used for the essay If you use images in your presentation, they should be cited there as well
GROUP ACTIVITY- FINAL PODCAST PEER REVIEW In your unit 4 groups (3 students minimum) DO NOT give your paper or electronic drafts to your classmates Each student should read aloud their entire podcast script for their teammates. The teammates should time the reading of the script, listen for the required content and rhetorical effect, and answer the questions below for each student 1.How long was the script? (Give an exact time in minutes and seconds) 2.What is the strongest part of the podcast? 3.What is one part of the podcast that still needs revision? 4.Give the podcast a score of 1-5 for each of the following categories: a)Hook b)Purpose and structure c)Information d)Descriptions and directions e)Overall engagement
FINAL CLASS REVIEW Form up random groups Winning groups receive +5 points of extra credit on their final essay 26 points total Information from the whole semester of ENC1930
FINAL CLASS REVIEW What are the three elements of rhetorical context? Must name all three for a point
FINAL CLASS REVIEW What is open form prose? What is closed form prose?
FINAL CLASS REVIEW What are three reasons you could be in danger of failing ENC1930? 1 point per each group
FINAL CLASS REVIEW What is dominant impression? What are concrete words?
FINAL CLASS REVIEW What are the four stages of reflection? 2 points for naming all four. Must use precise terminology
FINAL CLASS REVIEW Give an example sentence using past perfect, progressive, and passive constructions 1 point each per group
FINAL CLASS REVIEW Define: quote, paraphrase, and summary 1 point each
FINAL CLASS REVIEW Identify 2 informative writing skills we discussed in class 2 points possible
INFORMATIVE WRITING SKILLS Verify your facts and data Use specific facts, details, and examples Make the information interesting Organize information appropriately Be concise; do not include unnecessary information
FINAL CLASS REVIEW Identify 3 formal writing skills 2 points possible
FORMALITY IN WRITING General formal writing strategies Make your writing clear, structured, and detailed Avoid 1 st and 2 nd person Use titles where appropriate Use complex and discipline specific language Avoid figurative language and idioms Edit thoroughly Use passive voice for maximum objectivity (particularly in research writing) Avoid absolutes/use qualifiers Avoid contractions (in very formal writing) Follow prescriptive grammar rules (covered in ENC1101)
FINAL CLASS REVIEW What are unity and coherence? 1 point each
FINAL CLASS REVIEW What are the three stages of evaluation? Must name all three for two points
HOMEWORK Presentations 5-10 minutes per group Address/practice technology usage ahead of time. You will be penalized for excessive delays We will have audience members from other Global 1 st Year groups to evaluate your presentations Use a link (send via or post on blog) or flash drive after the presentation Podcast Walking Tour Script – Final Draft 1,000+ words Must include all major sections/locations of your podcast. Don’t forget to provide audio directions for your listeners! You may also include screen or speaker cues if you choose but these are not required Submitted to by 5-1 at midnight (you will not receive credit for the presentations if you do not submit your script)