Academic Advisors 2 Clarissa Baston Management International Business New Media Marketing Exploration/Undeclared Rose Thomas Management Info Systems Marketing Janelle Aimi Accounting Finance
Co-op & Career Services Advisors Maria Richart International Business, Management Tabitha Arrendall Marketing, New Media Marketing Julian Huenerfauth Accounting, Finance, Management Information Systems
Co-Op & Career Services 1 semester or 2 summers Required course: MGMT 35-Careers in Business or ACCT 305- Accounting Professions (ACCT majors Only) course Co-op in your junior or senior year; must be completed before your last academic term Browse JobZone for co-op opportunities Co-op must be approved if not found on JobZone Complete co-op report Utilize Co-Op & Career Services advisors 4
Schedule an Advising Appointment Request an appointment through CONNECT or view Walk-In Hours* *Visit Saunders College of Business Web site for times OFFICE HOURS Monday through Thursday: 8 am – 5 pm Friday: 8 am - 4:30 pm 5
CONNECT Login to your SIS or myCourses and click
Advisor Meeting vs. Walk-In Requested Meeting 30 min schedule blocks Discuss: Long term planning: Study abroad, graduation requirements, minor, withdraw from class(es), 4+1 MBA Program, other interests Walk-In 10 min or less Discuss: Quick questions: Semester schedule changes, Gen Ed requirements
Advisor Expectations 9 Respond in a timely manner Effectively communicate program requirements & timelines Assist with academic choices Work collectively to map out educational goals Provide referrals FERPA
Student Expectations 10 Read Advisor’s ! Take ownership Become knowledgeable about program/policies Keep up-to-date records Contact advisor at least once per year Good faith effort to look for answers Keep appointments or give advanced cancellation notice
Faculty Advising 11 Advise on co-ops Discuss professions, career goals & opportunities Will change after first year
STUDENT SUCCESS AT RIT 12 Academic Advisor Faculty AdvisorCo-op Advisor STUDENT SUCCESS
FERPA (Family Education Rights & Privacy Act) 13 Student FERPA Rights Begins when student is “in attendance” as defined by RIT The right to inspect & review their own education records Seek correction of erroneous records The right to have control* over the disclosure of information from the education records Educational Record Grades, enrollment records, class schedules, test papers
Grade Point Average (GPA) 14 A =4.00 quality points A-= 3.67 B+ = 3.33 B= 3.00 B-= 2.67 C+= 2.33 C =2.00 C-= 1.67 D =1.00 F = for good academic standing 3.00 for course waivers for MBA program 3.40 for Dean’s List
ACADEMIC ALERTS 15 Reasons you may receive an Academic Alert: KUDOS FLAGS If you receive an early alert, please DO NOT WITHDRAW before talking to your advisor.
Library Resources 16 Jennifer Freer Library Liaison to Saunders College (P): (585) (E): Tutorial:
Academic Integrity 17 Governance Policy Library Number: Section D08.0 Policy Name: STUDENT ACADEMIC INTEGRITY PROCESS INTRODUCTION As members of an academic community, both students and faculty share responsibility for maintaining high standards of personal and professional integrity. If a student violates these standards, the Academic Integrity Process affords a fair resolution. The committee outlined herein may be called upon to hear cases where a breach of student academic integrity is alleged by instructor. In all cases, it is the responsibility of any university representatives to render fair and appropriate decisions reaffirming standards of integrity expected in the academic community…. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY A breach of student academic integrity falls into three basic areas: cheating, duplicate submission and plagiarism Cheating: Cheating is any form of fraudulent or deceptive academic act, including falsification of data, possessing, providing, or using unapproved materials, sources, or tools for a project, exam, or body of work submitted for faculty evaluation. Duplicate Submission: Duplicate submission is the submitting of the same or similar work for credit in more than one course without prior approval of the instructors for those same courses. Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the representation of others’ ideas as one’s own without giving proper attribution to the original author or authors. Plagiarism occurs when a student copies direct phrases from a text (e.g. books, journals, and internet) and does not provide quotation marks or paraphrases or summarizes those ideas without giving credit to the author or authors. In all cases, if such information is not properly and accurately documented with appropriate credit given, then the student has committed plagiarism.
Undergraduate MAJORS & PLANS 18 Academic Program = USCB Majors: Accounting Finance International Business Management Management Information Systems Marketing New Media Marketing Exploration/Undeclared Plans: ACCT-BS FINC-BS INTB-BS MGMT-BS MGIS-BS MKTG-BS NEWMEDI-BS BUS-UND
ACADEMIC REQUIREMENTS 19 Business Core – similar across majors with a few exceptions Majors – specialized courses for each functional area Minors – optional General Education & Liberal Arts 1) Perspectives requirement 2) Immersion requirement 3) Math requirement MBA Classes
SAMPLE Fall Semester Schedule 20 Cohort Courses MGMT 101- Business 1: Ideas & Business Planning ACCT 110- Financial Accounting MGIS 130- Information Systems & Technology Other possible 1 st Year Requirements UWRT/ENGL 150- First Year Writing ACSC 10- YearOne (non-credit college transition course) One of the following: ECON 101- Principles of Microeconomics STAT 145- Intro to Statistics I INTB 225- Global Business Environment Math specific course depends on Math Placement Exam score or AP Credit (i.e. Algebra, College Algebra, Applied Calculus)
Check Your Schedule 21 Add/Drop Week ends: Monday, Aug. 29, 2016 Withdrawal deadline: Friday, Nov. 11, 2016 Fall 2016 Add/Drop Week ALL SCB Undergraduate Advising Extended Walk-in Hours MondayAugust 22nd9am-11:30am1:30-4pm TuesdayAugust 23rd9am-11:30am1:30-4pm WednesdayAugust 24th9am-11:30am1:30-4pm ThursdayAugust 25th9am-11:30am1:30-4pm FridayAugust 26th APPOINTMENTS ONLY- *No Rose Thomas MondayAugust 29thAPPOINTMENTS ONLY
Business 1: Ideas and Business Planning 23 Part 1 of 2 class sequence comprising the freshman integrated experience. You will be introduced to the key functional areas of business, the evaluation of new business opportunities, and the business plan process. By applying the creative process, you will conceive new business ideas that will be developed in Business 2.
Year One 24 Interdisciplinary Access campus resources, services and opportunities Designed to challenge and encourage first-year students to promote self-knowledge, social responsibility & life skills awareness and application Topics include: Balancing social and academic demands and pressures Adjusting to living away from home while transitioning to being on one's own Developing and/or discovering one's likes, interests, and preferences. Non-credit-bearing component of RIT's first-year students experience. Coaching component that enables students to meet individually with their instructor Peer Advisors are all current RIT students who are actively engaged in campus and academic life on campus
Semester Calendar 25Fall2161Intersession2163Spring2165Summer2168
26 Check daily Advising folder etiquette Utilize tutoring services Business courses Other courses Visit RIT & Saunders websites Advisors will visit Business 1 Advising Hold Shopping Carts Enrollment Enrollment will be by year level in mid- November. Next Steps…
FACEBOOK GROUP 27 Log in to Facebook and Search for ‘Saunders Student OR 1. Go to: 2. Type ‘RIT’ as your school 3. Join and Search for ‘Saunders Student
Tools 28 Meetings with your Advisors RIT Computer Account E-Services (give parent access to billing, financial aid, schedule and grade information) Access to resources Enrollment/SIS information MyCourses Tutoring in Core Accounting & Finance Courses plus Microsoft Excel php php MyCourses Saunders Web site Student Learning, Support & Assessment Academic Support Center University Writing Program The New Student Survival Guide is available on the Orientation Web site.
Textbook Information 29 Barnes and Noble: Student Blog: /item/how-to-buy-your-books /item/how-to-buy-your-books
The Saunders Experience 30 Student Clubs & Organizations Community Initiatives Special Guests & Lectures DECA Annual Fall Picnic Thursday, Sept. 15, pm Located outside Saunders College of Business Open to all SCB students, faculty, staff and alumni Brick City Festival – October ……..……………many more
Agenda Head to your assigned room for lunch and activity. 2. Meet the faculty in your program. Ask questions!