Specific Learning Disabilities and Patterns of Strengths and Weaknesses (PSW) Davis School District-SLD/PSW Committee August, 2016 PATTERNS OF STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES -- DAVIS SCHOOL DISTRICT
Presentation Outline PATTERNS OF STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES -- DAVIS SCHOOL DISTRICT Review PSW ModelStump the Chump ResultsCONE PreviewContact and Support
PSW Overview Team must document evidence of: 1.Academic Weakness E.g. standard score of 80 or lower 2.Cognitive Strength E.g. standard score 9 or more points higher than lowest standard score Or statistically computed strength from scoring manual 3.Cognitive Weakness E.g. standard score 9 or more points lower than highest standard score Or statistically computed weaknesses from scoring manual Relationship between processing weakness and academic weakness PATTERNS OF STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES -- DAVIS SCHOOL DISTRICT
SLD Identification: PSW Model Cognitive Strength Academic Weakness Cognitive Weakness No significant difference; Constructs are related Child specific rationale Significant difference between processing strength and academic skill deficit Significant difference between processing strength and processing weakness
PSW Model Review ONLY for the eligibility determination of SLD Evaluation data sources Pre-referral intervention progress Formal and informal academic measures Evaluation of cognitive processes Consideration of language factors Other determination procedures unchanged PATTERNS OF STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES -- DAVIS SCHOOL DISTRICT
Evaluation Process in DSD: myIDEA Forms and Procedures What will be the same: Observation Documentation of the Instructional Strategies and student’s response. Instructional Considerations for initial evaluation Rule outs for other disability and environmental factors Parental input Evaluation summary Cultural and linguistic considerations Eligibility Consideration – Compare Academic & Psychological Processes Identification of area(s) of Specific learning disability Eligibility determination This is new PATTERNS OF STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES -- DAVIS SCHOOL DISTRICT
myIDEA SLD Eligibility Form—Updated and Live 8.Academic Achievement – Identification of Possible Weakness 9.Psychological Processes Comparison – Strengths 10.Psychological Processes Comparison – Weaknesses 11.Relationship Between Academic and Psychological Processes Weaknesses 12.Identification of Area(s) of Impairment in Psychological Process(es) 13.Identification of Area(s) of Specific Learning Disability PATTERNS OF STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES -- DAVIS SCHOOL DISTRICT
Stump the Chump Results Row LabelsCount of Comment Domain Cognitive Processes12 PSW Overview11 Speech and Language8 Interventions8 myIDEA7 Re-evaluation5 Academic Assessment1 Assessment tools1 Informal Data1 Timeline1 Praise2 Grand Total57 PATTERNS OF STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES -- DAVIS SCHOOL DISTRICT
Stump the Chump FAQ: Cognitive Processes Is there a list of correlations between or examples linking psychological processes and academic areas? Will we be required to use specific cognitive measures and scores? How do executive functioning skills fit in as cognitive processes? Are there interventions for psychological processes that may be used as service targets? PATTERNS OF STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES -- DAVIS SCHOOL DISTRICT
Stump the Chump FAP: PSW Overview Is there a concern regarding over-identification given the shift to more team- based determinations and a possible lack of consistency? What if a student has academics in the low range but average cognitive abilities with no strengths or weaknesses? It seems that cognitive strengths do not receive as much focus as weaknesses. What is their purpose in this model? I will need support in remembering these steps and explaining them to parents without confusing them. PATTERNS OF STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES -- DAVIS SCHOOL DISTRICT
Stump the Chump: Interventions, myIDEA, Re-Evals Is there a list of research based interventions? I would like to know more about RtI/MTSS, including training for my teachers. Can we get myIDEA to do the graphs? If a student didn’t qualify at the end of this year, can I revisit his data to see if he qualifies at the first of next year? PATTERNS OF STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES -- DAVIS SCHOOL DISTRICT
Stump the Chump FAQ: Speech and Language Does this mean the SLP has to be involved in every SLD eligibility? In a case where a student qualifies for both SLI and SLD, who is the case manager? What are the best language assessments to use in PSW? What about listening comprehension on the KTEA? I want to know more about the relationship between SLI and SLD! PATTERNS OF STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES -- DAVIS SCHOOL DISTRICT
Fall CONE Meeting – PSW Component Preview English Language Learners Speech and Language Impairment Updates to USOE Regulations Gray area cases Alternatives for Functional Skills PATTERNS OF STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES -- DAVIS SCHOOL DISTRICT
Contact and Support Website: Resources, references, training documents FAQ and answers Committee contact information Each committee member will have access Goal: respond within 24 hours More complex, discipline-specific questions may be passed along Hotline: Call SPED Main Office (2-5169) Scheduled block of time for verbal assistance Tuesday afternoons (2:00-4:00) Will determine if additional block is needed PATTERNS OF STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES -- DAVIS SCHOOL DISTRICT davis.k12.ut.us/Page/