MND : Disease process, diagnosis and prognosis NICE Eating and drinking at risk Nutritional challenges Powered wheelchairs / specialist controls Physiotherapy.


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Presentation transcript:

MND : Disease process, diagnosis and prognosis NICE Eating and drinking at risk Nutritional challenges Powered wheelchairs / specialist controls Physiotherapy – case study Your priorities for care - workshop 15th November 2016 Castle Lodge Masonic Hall Headingley LS6 4BP This study day is aimed at ALL healthcare professionals who see, treat and care for patients with MND and would like to improve their knowledge and skills. Applications on the enclosed form to be received by 16th October Places are limited. Free parking Teas & coffee provided Bring own lunch Sandwich menu available

LEEDS MND CARE CENTRE STUDY DAY Title: First name(s): Surname: Job Title: Department: Institution: Street Address: City: Post code: Telephone: Registration fee: £20 -. Please note lunch is not provided but can be obtained from Payment method:Cheque:BACS: Registration Form (to be received with payment of £20 by 16 th October 2016) Cheques should be made payable to: BACS transfers to be sent to: Leeds Motor Neurone Disease UnitBank: NATWEST Account no: Sort Code: Please include the name of the attendee for reference when creating a BACs transfer payment I wish to register for the Leeds MND Care Centre Conference on 15 th November 2016 and enclose a cheque for £20. Signed…………………………………… ……………………………………….

TimePresentationSpeaker Registration Coffee on arrival Linda Tuttle & Claire Lang MND Specialist Nurses 09.00Welcome and introduction to the day Linda Tuttle & Claire Lang MND Specialist Nurses MND : Disease process, diagnosis and prognosis Sajitha Weerasinghe Neurology SpR Outline of NICE guidelines and implications for practice Dr Annette Edwards Consultant in Palliative Medicine 10.45Comfort Break Considerations when eating and drinking at risk Lucy Hyne & Chris Wiseman MND Speech and Language Therapists Nutritional challenges for the dietitian and person living with MND Jacqui Griffiths & Janine Ramage MND dietitians 13.00Lunch 13.45Powered wheelchairs & specialist controls Chris Orr MND Wheelchair Therapist The role of the physiotherapist - Case study Rachel Watterston MND Physiotherapist 15.15Comfort Break What are your priorities for care? - facilitated workshop Sal Hastings Regional Care & Development Adviser MNDA 16.15Evaluation and close LEEDS MND CARE CENTRE STUDY DAY