Engineering and Technology Management Group Annual Report Nancy Andersen Director, Technical Technical Activities Committee Meeting 15 June 2016 – Washington, DC
ETMG Summary Top N Accomplishments Forum Support Publications Outreach Group Overview Group Director: Nancy Andersen Home Organization: JHU-APL Phone/ / Education Number of Committees: 6 Total Members: 166 Industry: 68 Government: 7 Academia: 30 None Specified / Retired: 61 Member: 20 Sr. Member: 51 Assoc. Fellow: 63 Fellow: 15 Honorary Fellow: 3 Expanding CASE content to Space, Aviation, and P&E Forums Two clicks to get from AIAA homepage to CASE content information (thanks Jessa!) Expanding AIAA exposure to non-traditional audiences SciTech 2016 – SE (13 papers, 3 sessions) SAT (3 papers, 1 session) HIS (4 panels) Space 2015 – SE and ECON (42 papers, 10 sessions) SAT (3 papers, 1 session) Aviation 2015 – CASE STEM POC (SE) “Aerospace Cost Analysis, Risk, and So Much More” workshop (ETC) Aerospace America “NASA Airspace Technology Demonstration Accelerates NextGen”, by William C. Johnson Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition Galloway Space Law Symposium Aerospace Technology Impact Initiative Tucson Comic Con As of: 15 June 2016 Awards Gardner-Lasser Book Award and History Manuscript Award
ETMG Leadership: Director: Nancy Andersen Deputy Directors: Sophia Bright David Dress Abdi Khodadoust Technical/Program Committee Officers (Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary): Economics (Econ) – Daniel Nigg, TBD, Sherry Stukes History (His) – Richard Hallion, Julian Tishkoff, TBD Legal (LA3) – James Rendleman, PJ Blount, Chris Hearsey Management (Mgt) – Wilson Felder, TBD, John Dowdle Society & Aerospace Technology (SAT) – Steve Justice, TBD, Som Dutta Systems Engineering (SE) – John Eiler, Michelle Bailey, Shirley Brandt Value Driven Design (VDD PC) – Peter Hollingsworth Changes from last year are in blue 3
Opportunities/Best Practices To Share Expanding AIAA exposure to non-traditional audiences (Comic Con) TCs continue to use of monthly telecoms for status and coordination of committee work These have been exceptionally useful, allowing the TCs to be more effective in planning and executing committee projects TC Face to Face meetings have employed a telecom connection to enable those unable to travel due to business conflicts or funding issues an opportunity to attend and participate 4
Issues/Concerns/Challenges For TAC Action Obtaining annual reports from all TCs Working with PC Coordinator to disband Value Driven Design (VDD) PC 5