Welcome to Curriculum Night Second Grade – Ms. Casterlin
Daily Schedule 8:15 - 8:30 Daily Language and Planner 8:30-9:20 Math 9:20-9:55 AR Reading/Reading Groups 9:55-10:05 Morning Snack 10:05-10:30 Phonics 10:30-11:20 Shurley Grammar & Writing 11:20-11:55 Lunch and Recess 11:55-12:30 Reading Block 12:30-1:00 Spanish 1:00-1:30 Reading Block 1:30-2:10 Specials (Music, Art, PE) 2:10-2:30 Recess 2:30-3:00 Social Studies or Science 3:00-3:10 Pack up, read aloud, and dismissal Technology Wednesday 2:15-3:00 Library Thursday 1:00-1:30
Classroom Expectations Listen when the speaker is talking Follow directions quickly Respect others, respect yourself, respect our school Raise your hand to speak or stand Be Safe, Be Kind, Be Honest Be all that I can be by giving my best effort!
Behavior Green - Great day, keep up the good work Yellow - WARNING slow down, make better choices Orange – Still making bad choices. Mark on Ticket to Success – Possible Behavior Report Red – Office Referral – Behavior Report (Check planner to monitor daily) Rewards: Marble Count – Group Effort Individual Effort will be rewarded in various ways (prize, lunch with teacher, good note home, etc.)
Ticket to Success Please sign each weekend and return on Mondays Returning Signed Monday Does Count Toward Homework Expectations GRADES FOR “TICKET TO SUCCESS” BEGIN THIS WEEK!
Ticket to Success Grading A = 1 or fewer marks in any category B = 2-3 marks C = 4 marks D = 5 marks or one Behavior Report F = More than 5 marks or a Pink Slip *Students will automatically receive a B in Responsibility if they do not make their AR reading point goal!
Thursday Folder (Red Folder) Comes home every Thursday Completed and graded assignments Important notes from office, teachers, after school programs, etc. (most go to youngest and only kiddos) Please return empty on Friday
Homework Binder Goes home every day with homework assignments Assignments will be written in the planner May be empty if there is no homework that day but still goes home Please return the homework binder daily. Nightly Math and Phonics with occasional additional for projects Homework may include work a student did not complete in class Homework is checked in and recorded daily and counts towards Ticket to Success
Report Card and Grading Scale for Second Grade A, B, C, D Grading Scale A: Advanced B: Proficient C: Partially Proficient D: In Need of Improvement F: 69 – Below N: Not Assessed
Language Arts Shurley Grammar: (Sequential program building grade by grade) Students learn to identify parts of speech Students learn rules for grammar, punctuation and capitalization Various songs and jingles are taught Writing: Excellence In Writing A structured writing program that emphasizes handwriting, literature, and specific language used in teaching the mechanics of writing (Listen, Speak, Read, Write). Students are given structured topics with the freedom to express their own voice in their writing. Students develop confidence in the speaking and writing process while gradually working toward greater independence and creativity. You will hear your child talk about the “dress ups”.. Core Knowledge: Poetry, Fiction Stories, Tall Tales and G Greek Mythology
Saxon Phonics and Spelling Saxon Phonics: Helps students recognize letter-sound patterns to develop skills to sound out unfamiliar words. Students also work on sight word recognition. Decodable books and fluency readers supplement group lessons as well as daily worksheet activities including homework. Assessments are given every fifth lesson. Saxon Spelling: Saxon Phonics spelling lists follow patterns we have been working on in phonics lessons. Spelling lists are typically sent home on Monday with tests on Fridays. Visit spellingcity.com for activities to practice the words.
Reading Open Court consists of six themed units. Each unit consists of 4- 6 stories. These stories are both fiction and non-fiction genres. Students will focus on one story per week focusing on comprehension, fluency and vocabulary. Students will be assessed at the end of each story as well as the end of each unit. Accelerated Reader is an independent reading program. Students work at their own pace. Students will have 20 minutes of in class D.E.A.R. time per day. In addition, students should be reading 20 minutes per night. Students have a point goal to reach each quarter. Points are earned by taking comprehension quizzes for the books they have read.
Saxon Math Second Grade will Ability Group for Math FOCUS is on - Developing Computation Skills -Numbers and Number Sense -Simple Fractions -Money -Measurement -Simple Geometry - Problem Solving Skills and the ability to explain math Homework: - Parents read instructions as necessary - Check homework and assist child as necessary in correcting any errors - Please initial or sign homework
History Core Knowledge Sequence What Your Second Grader Needs to Know World and U.S. history and Geography
Science Scott Foresman Science Program Life Science Earth Science Physical Science Instructional Units Meet 2 nd Grade State Requirements Core Knowledge Science Incorporated Textbooks, Written Work and Interactive Experiments
Absence Policy
Communication Ms. Casterlin’s Teacher Webpage s from Ms. Casterlin Best way to reach me is
Infinite Campus Update Information ( addresses can be updated but anything else must go through the front office) Check regularly Need to obtain password from front office to set up your account. Link is on North Star Webpage (Parents – top of webpage Parent Portal – on left side)
Volunteers Sign up tonight! Room Moms, Thursday Folder, Filing, Special Projects, A.R. Volunteer Badges Confidentiality Agreement
Birthdays School policy: No birthday treats can be sent in. Parents are welcome to have lunch with their child to celebrate Ms. Casterlin recognizes birthdays Birthday invitations can only be distributed at school if the entire class is invited (school wide policy)
Ms. Casterlin’s Special Requests Please have your child memorize their lunch number. (This can be found on the Parent Portal – it is their student ID number) Crucial for AR this year! Please send your child with a filled water bottle that has a secure lid. Please send only HEALTHY snacks
SPANISH Please check Senora Crowe’s website often. Feel free to communicate with her by .
Please contact me with any questions at I look forward to a great year!