White Oak Elementary School School Improvement Plan for
School Improvement Team Selected and voted on by members of grade level or department teams Most members serve a three year term Parents were nominated and voted on at the September, 2009, PTA meeting.
WOS’s SIP Timeline March 2009-April 2009 Analyzed projects and initiatives Analysis of school data and student learning goals by WOS School Improvement Team August 21, 2009 Formulated new projects September 22, 2009 SIP approved by SIT September 24, 2009 SIP approved by secret ballot by faculty
Assurances Personal Planning Horizontal Planning Duty Free Lunch Healthy Active Children Reading by Grade 2
Student Learning Goals
Goal 1: 75% of the students in kindergarten through second grade will be on grade level on math, reading, and writing end-of-year K-2 assessments.
Successes -Reading Foundation Training -Math Partners Training -PLC model implemented -Established core curriculum
Projects include: -American School Counselors Association model - aligning with NCSCOS -Math Investigations -Universal screening -Flexible grouping - targeted groups -Professional Learning Community Teams – using data to inform instruction -Uninterrupted, common math and reading blocks -All personnel delivering core curriculum
Goal 2: 100% of the students in pre- kindergarten through second grade will be exposed to technology as documented in classroom plans, computer lab logs, and curriculum mapping.
Successes -Teachers using core curriculum software -Bi-monthly instructional support meetings -Media/tech attending horizontal planning meetings
Projects include: -Implement ASCA model through technology -Conduct staff development to encourage more authentic uses of technology in the classroom -Integration of technology into existing curriculum
Organizational Effectiveness Goals
Goal 1: 90% of faculty and staff will engage in meaningful and regular communication and collaboration as measured by the annual Community Building Survey.
Successes -Principal’s Advisory Council -Team building
Projects include: -Team building activities -Use of Skype and webpages -Pursue vertical articulation among transitional grade levels
Goal 2: 90% of faculty and staff will feel that discipline problems are handled consistently and in a timely manner as measured by the annual School Safety Survey.
Successes -Communicating discipline data -Scheduled recess -PBS Banner School
90% of our students had 0-1 office referrals last school year! 8% of our students have 2-5 office referrals. 2% of our students have 6+ office referrals. 5% of students have 6+ office referrals 15% of students have 2-5 office referrals. 80% of students have 0-1 office referrals
Projects include: -Behavior component of RtI/PBS -Cubbie Peace Patrol -Bus of the Month -TRACK collaboration -Formal behavior intervention plans
Goal 3: 85% of parents will become actively involved in one or more school activities each year as evidenced by sign-in logs.
Successes -Red Ribbon Week -Starting community partnerships
Projects include: -Publicize school events -Actively recruit volunteers and community organizations -Use volunteers effectively
Living the Plan