Grade 4 & 5 ELA and Social Studies Mrs. P.
Our Team Ms. P (4/5 ELA and Social Studies Teacher) Ms. Juriga (English Language Teacher) Mr. Hackenjos (Catholic University Intern)
Welcome A Day in the Life of a student begins with Morning Meeting: Greeting Morning Message Theme of the Week Share Energizer-Me Too!
Language Arts and Social Studies Block: Reading Lesson (Strategy based, Close-Reading, etc.) C.A.F.E. Time Comprehension (Guided Reading and Independent Reading) Accuracy (Spelling and Grammar) Fluency (NewsELA Typing) Expanding Schema (Vocabulary Development and Content Learning) Social Studies
Grade 4 Units
Grade 5 Units
Our Frameworks for Learning FrameworkResource Habits of Discussion and Socratic Seminar learning/strategy/resource/2979/peer-evaluations- habits-of-discussion-guidelines-pdf Close Readings of Complex Texts Historical Thinking Skills Cognitive Reading Strategies nding/SerravalloSamplefmandIntro.pdf Guided Reading and Book Clubs ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnxqYW5yaWNoYXJkc29ucmVh ZGluZ3xneDo1MzFmNjFkZTQ4NmE0NWU4 Project Based Inquiry Interact Simulations
Community Building Our classroom uses the Responsive Classroom approach to community building and classroom discipline. Please see “Our Class Vision” to see what we are working towards together this year.
Our Class Supports Conference Couch Chilax-Chill out Chair “What’s Bugging You?” Strategy chart Logical Consequences
Responsive Instruction Formative Assessments Rubrics Quarterly assessments Class work Homework Summative Assessments Report Cards RI (Reading Inventory) Fountas and Pinnell Reading Assessment PARCC
Homework Homework is assigned in a packet distributed at the beginning of the week and should be initialed and returned in the HW folder daily. If a student misses HW they will complete a yellow “Missing Homework” slip that you must sign and return.
Field Trips and Celebrations Class Parent: Maria Salmi (Sebastian D.’s Mom) Birthday celebrations on Fridays at 12:45 pm during lunch. We have many fun field trips planned this year. Be on the look out for updates via our weekly newsletter.
Communication Parent-teacher conferences outside of conference times can be made for most Monday, Thursday, and Friday mornings at 8:15 am. Please contact me directly to schedule a specific time. Weekly newsletter via mail chimp.
Registering for List Go to Ross website Click on “Classes Tab” and select “ Lists” Select your child’s GRADE level. Mr. Markus and I will by grade level.
Thank you!! Questions? Feel free to me.