English as a Second Language (ESL) Program
2 Preview Acronyms Introduction, Second Language Acquisition Demographic Information Federal and State Mandates The ESL Program Program Accountability Assessment Standards Alternative Assessments/Accommodations
3 Acronyms The Program ESL –English as a Second Language The Students LEP –Limited English Proficient Student ELL –English Language Learner NOMS –National Origin Minority Students The Proficiency Assessment WIDA –World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment W-APT- WIDA-ACCESS Placement Test ACCESS- Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State to State for English Language Learners
4 Introduction Language acquisition process same for all Including first and second languages Oral communication skills take 1-2 years (social interaction) Academic language proficiency takes 5-7 years. –reading, writing, speaking, and listening –evaluating, synthesizing, and inferring
5 Introduction (continued) LEPs need time to adapt to the cultural differences. Students and parents need to learn what is expected of them. Degree of LEPs native vocabulary & language skills determine their advancement in English language proficiency.
6 LEP Demographic Information NOMS/LEP Population (8/12/15) –128NOMSNational Origin Minority Students (speak another language other than English) –54NOMS Exited the ESL Program due to proficiency – 44 Never qualified upon initial test – 30 LEP receiving Direct Instructional services Diversity –20languages spoken by NOMS in the SCS
7 Federal and State Mandates Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Prohibits discrimination based on race, color, & national origin The Equal Opportunity Act of 1974 Equal participation for LEP students in instructional programs. –same textbooks, teachers, and curriculum as the entire student population
8 Federal and State Mandates Lau v. Nichols (1974) –Requires program to meet LEP additional English language needs No Child Left Behind (2001) –Adds emphasis to instruction of LEPs –Increases accountability –Requires research-based instruction.
9 The ESL Program Goal Accelerate LEPs English proficiency so they can work independently in mainstream classes. Process –Identify LEPs using Home Language Survey at time of enrollment –Determine English proficiency levels using the current NC standardized English Language Proficiency Assessment (W-APT)
10 The ESL Program (continued) Process (continued) –LEPs placed in mainstream classes receive modified instruction testing accommodations when needed –Instruction tailored to meet special needs Linguistic, academic, cultural, affective –Research-based strategies and activities –Instruction is in English only.
11 Program Accountability Assessment Language Proficiency Assessment W-APT placement test ACCESS annual Tests English language proficiency in 4 domains: listening, speaking, reading, & writing –Six proficiency levels in each domain 1. Entering2. Emerging3. Developing 4. Expanding5. Bridging6. Reaching
12 Program Accountability Assessment (continued) Testing Determines: –Extent of LEP participation in N.C. testing program –Need for: Instruction Modifications in mainstream classes Testing Accommodations (DPI approved) Exemptions for qualifying tests that assess Reading Comprehension during their 1 st year in US schools
13 Program Accountability Standards LEP Standards NCDPI WIDA English Language Development Standards The WIDA 5 ELD standards: –Represent the social, instructional, and academic language needed to engage in curriculum –Sets LEP competency goals and objectives in: listening, speaking, reading, and writing by grade and proficiency levels.
14 Program Accountability Alternative Assessments & Accommodations Alternate ACCESS for ELLs –Alternative to qualifying EC students IF Sec. 504 or EC: assessments and accommodations will apply in a case by case decision