On the way … to real-life cases truck platooning…. Marouschka Booij Communication Strategy EU Truck Platooning Challenge 2016.


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Presentation transcript:

On the way … to real-life cases truck platooning…. Marouschka Booij Communication Strategy EU Truck Platooning Challenge 2016

Realising mono-brand real-life cases with level 1 truck platooning on corridors in Europe communication focus Next level Truck Platooning program 2017 – 2018 Connection with other moblity programs and initiatives Cross border communication May – Dec 2016 Moving forward to bring the concept of Truck Platooning inside the European network Visibility EU TP Europe / Netherlands takes role as initiator Share business cases (New)stakeholders April 2016 Truck Platooning Vision 2025 The Truck Platooning Challenge: the first large-scale demonstration of platoons crossing borders Share experiences Share lessons learned Steps truck platooning and communication focus

31 mei Utrecht: information and “work” session Participants: 6 Shippers: Jumbo, Ahold, Heineken, Unilever, Kruidvat, Royal Flora 20 Carriers OEM’s : DAF, Iveco, Scania, MAN, Mercedes-Benz, Volvo Insurence companies Knowledge institutes/consultancy agency’s Expert meeting Glasgow June 6th 2016

31 mei Utrecht: information and “work” session Main goals of the session Information part: Sharing knowledge: findings fieldresearch within several organisations (shippers and carriers) Up date: lessons learned by observation, by tests during the EU Truck Platooning Challenge (scientific information, exemption process) Working part: Starting a dialogue between all main partners: shippers + carriers + OEM’s Operationalisation of real-life truck platooning: a list with potential business-cases Expert meeting Glasgow June 6th 2016

31 mei Utrecht: information and “work” session Questions to be answered: What are the intentions toward truck platooning? Which existing corridors can be used for real-life truckplatooning on short term? What are possible barriers we can test: different wheater-, road- and traffic- conditions How to start collaboration and organise this? What are necessary steps to be taken for co-creation, for realisation the business cases? Expert meeting Glasgow June 6th 2016

Impression 31 mei

31 mei Utrecht: information and “work” session Our harvest: Overall believe in benefits for the entire logistic chain Willingness in testing truck platooning Positive attitude of all participants in working together The output: At least 28 corridors through The Netherlands and crossing borders Diversity in freight such as food, bulk, piece goods, retail, flowers Testing with night distribution and High Capacity Vehicles Expert meeting Glasgow June 6th 2016

June > July : next steps, next session Building business cases: with learning objectieves Testing in different conditions, define barriers, search for complementarity within Europe countries Each cluster > one coordinator to support the business case, to develop a concrete actionplan/program Each cluster > inventarisation possibilities and define combinations of shipper + carrier Between clusters: sharing knowledge and expectations, crucial factors and aspects to overcome before starting truck platooning Next meeting: beginning of July Expert meeting Glasgow June 6th 2016