What is Science?
Look around the classroom, outside, or in the building…..
What is something you often wonder about? Example: why do leaves change color? Why are flowers different colors? How far can a bird fly in one day? Why is the weather different depending where you live?
What is a scientist? Take 10 minutes and draw what you think scientist might do or look like.
Science Science- the knowledge that a person obtains by observing natural events and conditions in order to discover facts and formulate laws or principles that can be verified and tested Asking questions and finding answers through observing is science.
Investigate First you ask a question. Then what? INVESTIGATION!!
Methods of investigation 1. Research- looking for information by looking for answers in textbooks, encyclopedias, magazines, reports, or asking someone who knows about the subject. You can use the internet or books in a library to help research. Remember not everything you find on the internet is true! Only use reliable sources (research articles from professionals)
Methods of investigation 2. Observation- to watch what happens Observations may lead to an experiment. Such as testing multiple guesses as to why things happen. Do plants grow better in bright sunlight? You may need to observe a plant in bright sunlight, shade, and part light to be able to compare answers.
Methods of Investigations 3. Experimentation- testing different answers to questions
Why do we ask questions? To find answers! Some things that we can do by answering questions: - Fight Diseases. Asking questions has led to fighting diseases and developing ways to prevent diseases such as new medications or vaccinations. Scientist also search for cures for disease. - Saving resources- make resources last longer by recycling, reusing, becoming more efficient. - answering the public’s questions- reducing air pollution from cars instead of urging people to stop driving.
Scientists are all around! Can you think of a job that would be a scientist?
Zoologist Zoologist- studies the lives of animals.
Geochemist Geochemist studies what rocks, minerals and soil are made of.
Mechanic Mechanics repair machines by using science to solve problems.
Meteorologist Meteorologist study weather
Scientific Method
What is the Scientific Method? The Scientific method is a series of steps that are followed in order to solve problems.
Step 1 Ask a question
Step 2 Make an observation or research
Observation/research Any information you gather through your senses (sight, touch, taste, smell, sound) is an observation. Observations may be measurements of length, volume, time, speed, or loudness. An observer may look at color, shape of an organism, or behavior ( what is done) Observations are only useful if they are accurately made and recorded.
Step 3 Form a hypothesis A hypothesis is a possible explanation that is based on prior research or observations that can be tested. A hypothesis is an educated guess.
Hypothesis A hypothesis must be testable. You may have multiple hypothesis’ Predictions Before scientists test hypothesis they must make a prediction Predictions are a statement of cause and effect that can set up test for a hypothesis Uses a if-then format If…….then….. EX. If the egg is added to cold water then it will sink
Step 4 Test the hypothesis This is done to see if a something causes a particular outcome. Usually testing is done by conducting an experiment
Testing the hypothesis Controlled experiment- an experiment that tests only one factor at a time. - a controlled experiment has a control group, in which nothing is changed in order to compare. The experimental group is manipulated to test the hypothesis. Variable- a factor that changes in an experiment in order to test the hypothesis
Test the hypothesis Collect data- when you test a hypothesis, you have to show what you are measuring by what you are testing. scientist test a result by repeating the experiment to see if they get same results
Step 5 analyze the results organize the data using tables or graphs
Bar graph
Line graph
Step 6 draw conclusions- decide if the results of the experiment support the hypothesis or not
Step 7 Communicate Results Report the results that either support or deny the hypothesis
REVIEW! Lets review the last 2 days of information!!
How many steps are there in the scientific method? A. 3 B. 7 C. 10 D. 5
_____________ is the knowledge that a person obtains by observing natural events and conditions in order to discover facts A. principles B. Science C. Method D. Variable
Name Three methods of investigation
What does a zoologist study? A. zoo’s B. cars C. weather D. animals
Name a job a scientist might have.
What is the first step to the scientific method? A. analyze results B. read a book C. ask a question D. exercize
What can you use your senses for during the scientific method? A. observing B. working C. analyzing D. Communicating results
What is a hypothesis? A. fact that is proven after conducting an experiment B. data that is gained during an experiment C. explanation that is based on prior research or observations that can be tested.
Write a hypothesis using an if- then statement.
____________________ is an experiment that tests only one factor at a time. A. variable B. hypothesis C. controlled experiment D. observation
What is the factor that changes in an experiment in order to test the hypothesis ? A. Variable B. Hypothesis C. Results D. Data
How can you analyze results? A. create graphs or tables to compare B. create a hypothesis C. research
Vocabulary Review!!
the knowledge contained by observing natural events and conditions in order to discover facts and formulate laws or principals that can be verified or tested A. Model B. Science C. Scientific Method D. Law
a summary of many experimental results and observations; a law tells how things work. A. Model B. Science C. Scientific Method D. Law
a pattern, plan, representation or description designed to show the structure of working if an object, system, or concept. A. Model B. Science C. Scientific Method D. Law
a series of steps followed to solve problems. A. Model B. Science C. Scientific Method D. Law
the process of obtaining information by using the senses. A. Observation B. Data C. Hypothesis D. Theory
an explanation that ties together many hypothesis and observations. A. Observation B. Data C. Hypothesis D. Theory
an explanation that is based on prior scientific research or observations and that can be tested. A. Observation B. Data C. Hypothesis D. Theory
any pieces of information acquired through observation or experimentation. A. Observation B. Data C. Hypothesis D. Theory
a measure of the size of a body or region in three dimensional space. A. Meter B. Area C. Mass D. Volume
a measure of the size of a surface or a region. A. Meter B. Area C. Mass D. Volume
the basic unit of length (symbol m) A. Meter B. Area C. Mass D. Volume
a measure of the amount of matter in an object. A. Meter B. Area C. Mass D. Volume
a measure of how hot or cold something is. A. Volume B. Temperature C. mass D. Meter
Scientific models
Models A Model is a pattern, plan, representation, or description designed to show the structure or workings of an object, system, or concept. Can you name a model that we use often? Models may be used to predict future events
Types of models There are three different types of models Physical, mathematical, and conceptual
Physical model Built to look like the real thing EX. Model of a cell will look like a cell but will not act as one because it is not alive. Or a model of a building will look and act like the building but will be built at a smaller size.
Mathematical model Made up of numbers, equations, and other forms of data Example: punnett squares
Conceptual Model Conceptual models are sometimes systems of ideas. Conceptual models also may compare familiar ideas to unfamiliar ideas.
Benefits of models Represent things that are small, large, or complicated. Models can be a type of hypothesis that can be tested be scientists.
Limits of models Models are useful but not perfect. Can be used for ideas of how things work or look.
Building scientific knowledge Scientific theories are explanations that ties together many related observations, facts, and tested hypothesis. Theories are conceptual models that help organize scientific thinking. Theories are used to explain observations and to predict what might happen in the future
laws Scientific laws are a summary of many experimental results and observations: a law tells how things work.
How many steps are there in the scientific method? A. 5 B. 3 C. 9 D. 7
_____________ is the knowledge that a person obtains by observing natural events and conditions in order to discover facts A. principles B. Science C. Method D. Variable
Name Three methods of investigation
What is the first step to the scientific method? A. analyze results B. read a book C. ask a question D. exercise
a summary of many experimental results and observations; a law tells how things work. A. Model B. Science C. Scientific Method D. Law
What can you use your senses for during the scientific method? A. observing B. working C. analyzing D. Communicating results
What is a hypothesis? A. fact that is proven after conducting an experiment B. data that is gained during an experiment C. explanation that is based on prior research or observations that can be tested.
____________________ is an experiment that tests only one factor at a time. A. variable B. hypothesis C. controlled experiment D. observation
What is the factor that changes in an experiment in order to test the hypothesis ? A. Variable B. Hypothesis C. Results D. Data
How can you analyze results? A. create graphs or tables to compare B. create a hypothesis C. research D.
A _________________________ is a pattern, plan, representation, or description designed to show the structure or workings of an object, system, or concept. A. Data B. Model C. Community D. Law
What are the three types of models?
What is an explanation that ties together many related observations? A.Experiment B.Law C.Theory D.Model
________________are a summary of many experimental results and observations: a law tells how things work. A. Laws B. Hypothesis C. Variable D. Model
Tools, measurement, and safety
Take a few minutes and think… What are some tools that scientist use? How do they use each tool? What do you study using a telescope? A microscope?
Tools for science A tool is anything that helps you complete a task. Types of tools: -seeing -measuring -analyzing
Tools for seeing Microscopes help make observations of things that are too small to see with your eyes. Ocular lens stage Light The microscope has three main parts.
Tools for measuring Stopwatches, meter sticks, ruler, balance, thermometer, scale, and graduated cylinders are all examples of tools you can use to measure.
Tools for analyzing Calculators can help you find averages or other calculations Computers can help you make a graph to show what you learned from your experiments.
Measurement Before standard measurement units (meters, inches, ounces, pounds, grams, etc.) people used items such as their foot or objects to measure. Activity: a few minutes to measure your desk with an object. When we are done you will share your results with the class. -What did you use to measure? - What are your results? -Does everyone have the same results or are they different?
International System of Units Created in the 1700’s Was called the metric system Uses the same units Helps scientist compare their observations and results Based on the number 10 Abbreviated by calling it SI
Length What is the length of the table? You could use a meter to measure length A meter is the basic unit of length in SI
Area How much carpet does it take to cover the floor of the classroom? To answer you need to find the area of the floor. Area is a measure of the size of a surface or a region. to calculate area of a rectangle or square, you multiply the length times the width. The unit for area are square units. EX. The table has a length of 5 feet and a width of 4 feet. 5ft x 4 =20 square feet
Mass Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object. The kilogram (kg) is the basic unit for mass.
Volume Volume is the amount of space something occupies Volume is a measure of the size of a body or region in three dimensional space. The volume of a liquid is often given in liters (think about a 2 liter soda) Graduated cylinders measure the volume of liquid. -Graduated cylinders are like a measuring cup. Volume of solid objects are measured in square meters. - Volume of a box (rectangular) is the length x width x height
Temperature Temperature is the measure of how hot or cold something is It is measured with a thermometer In the United States we measure temperature in Fahrenheit Many scientist use Celsius to measure temperature The SI unit for temperature is Kevlin
What is the basic unit of mass? A. meters B. kilograms C. liters D. Celsius
The international System of Units used to be called the __________ system. A. scientific B. calculator C. metric D. measurement
What number is the international system of units based on? A. 1 B. 2 C. 5 D. 10
What are the three main parts of a microscope?
________ helps you complete a task. A. tools B. science C. methods D. microscope
What is the unit that measures liquid volume? A. grams B. liters C. meters D. clouds
What is the SI unit of temperature? A. Lava B. Celsius C. Kelvin D. Meters
a summary of many experimental results and observations; a law tells how things work. A. Model B. Science C. Scientific Method D. Law
a pattern, plan, representation or description designed to show the structure of working if an object, system, or concept. A. Model B. Science C. Scientific Method D. Law
an explanation that ties together many hypothesis and observations. A. Observation B. Data C. Hypothesis D. Theory
a measure of the size of a body or region in three dimensional space. A. Meter B. Area C. Mass D. Volume
a measure of the size of a surface or a region. A. Meter B. Area C. Mass D. Volume
the basic unit of length (symbol m) A. Meter B. Area C. Mass D. Volume
a measure of the amount of matter in an object. A. Meter B. Area C. Mass D. Volume
a measure of how hot or cold something is. A. Volume B. Temperature C. mass D. Meter