Hampton ELL Parent Club Meeting May 6, 2016
Lisa Licata, Hampton School Social Worker
M-Step Testing Begins April 12 It is the State of Michigan’s MANDATORY test Taken by students in Grades 3, 4 and 5 Grade 3 - English language arts (reading, writing and listening) and mathematics (starting April 27 th ) Almost Done Grade 4 - English language arts, mathematics and SCIENCE (starting Monday) Grade 5 - English language arts, mathematics and SOCIAL STUDIES Starting April 12 th ) DONE It will be taken on computers Schedule - Please DO NOT plan any travel
Important Hampton Dates May 11 th, 12 th - Stony Creek Schoolhouse Visits (2 nd grade) May 13 th - Popcorn Sale Cost per bag: $1.00 Order form in Classroom Meets guidelines for quantity and ingredient
Important Hampton Dates May 19 th – Learning Fair, Ice Cream Social and Science Fair 5:30-7:00 pm ~Science Fair~ Calling all scientists!!! Join the Hampton Science Fair. All it takes is a little wonder, and you too can create the perfect science project! Project Due Date: May 16, 2016 Projects will be on display for parent viewing during the Ice Cream
Science Fair Ideas:
Important Hampton Dates continued May 20 th – Pajama Day May 25 th – 2nd/ 3rd Grade Concert 6:30 pm May 25 th and 26 th -5th Grade Camp May 27 th - Bagel Sale
Important Hampton Dates continued May 30 th - Memorial Day – NO School June 1 st - Field Day (Rain Day- June 3rd) Wear your class t-shirt or color Info to come…Will need volunteers June 3 rd - Donuts with Dad, 7:30 am June 3 rd - Hawaiian Day
Summer Learning Opportunities/ Activities RARA – Rochester Avon Recreational Authority ESL Writing Calendar/ Reading Log Will come home in June. Students who complete the reading log and writing calendar can turn them back into Ms. Kiser/ Ms. Wolski in the fall for a prize Hampton Learning Packets (nominal fee) Grade level specific packets – Information/ order forms going home in May Library Classes, book clubs, etc. RCS Summer School Online Registration – District Website There are math and reading classes, as well as creative writing sessions. If your child receives free or reduced lunch, they may qualify for a reduced cost.
Parent Center Classes On-going Rochester Library Book Club Wednesdays – am Situational English Tuesdays (NEW!) – 9:45-10:45 am (conversation) Thursdays – 9:45-10:45 am Knitting Club Thursdays – 1-3 pm Mrs. Tate is in the Parent Liaison Center Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:30- 11am
Around the Area in May/ Spring Festivals
May Websites
ESL Newsletter
Next Parent Club… June 10, 2016 End-of-the-Year “Potluck” Please bring a dish to share. We will provide plates, napkins, silverware and water.