Infant Mortality The number of deaths of children less than one year of age, per 1000 live births
The top 3 countries with the highest infant mortality are:
In third place is … Pakistan with a infant mortality rate of This could be because It is a Low income country (LIC) and in many areas they have poor sanitation, increasing the amount of diseases, therefore many children cannot survive. Restricted healthcare is also a major factor as little post natal care is available. Little education on contraception and caring for children can result in families not being prepared.
In second place is … Chad with a infant mortality rate of This could be because Because of it being a LIC many areas are poor and poverty stricken, this contributes to the infant mortality rate as they do not have the facilities to safely deliver or provide for the children. Many chadians Live in poverty as subsistence herders or farmers, as they live rurally they may not be close to sufficient healthcare. Many people heavily rely on humanitarian aid for their survival.
In First place is … Ethiopia with a infant mortality rate of This could be because Once again it is a LIC. It is the 27 th largest country in the world and one of the poorest and most poverty stricken. Production is mainly from small scale farmers, many cannot afford any healthcare and have little sanitation, resulting in high infant mortality rates. It has a low life expectancy rate as many children die younger, this contributes to the high infant mortality rate.
The top 3 countries with the lowest infant mortality are:
In third place is … Germany with a infant mortality rate of 4.12 This could be because It is a high income country (HIC) resulting in a more structured healthcare system and a high level of sanitation. Education is widely available and after care is offered such as maternity leave and pre natal classes.
In second place is … Japan with a infant mortality rate of 3.24 This could be because It again is a HIC. It is a developed country with high living standards. It is also a world leader in technology machinery and robotics. This contributes to life support machines which save the lives of premature babies.
In First place is … Singapore with a infant mortality rate of 2.29 This could be because It again is a HIC. Singapore is the 6 th wealthiest country in the world in terms of GDP. It is highly cosmopolitan and diverse country. It is a very urban area, they have easy access to local hospital and emergency care.
We think that being at the top of the list is a bad thing. Our thoughts This is because the higher the infant mortality rate the more deaths that are occurring. Being at the bottom of the list is a good thing because there are fewer deaths, there could also be other factors including the birth-rate to start with, in LICS children are needed for manual labour. Whereas in HICS the attitude is changing as more women are going out to work, more recreational time and less money to spend on children.
GDP …. is the standard measure of the size of the economy. It is the total production of goods and services. Below are the GDPs for the 3 countries with the highest mortality rate Ethiopia – 1000 Chad – 1500 Pakistan – 2600 The higher the infant mortality rate the lower GDP. Meaning the poorer the country,the higher the infant mortality rate. This is proven from the statistics shown above. They have less money to spend on healthcare, sanitation and education. These are some of the main factors affecting the deaths of many young children.
Below are the GDPs for the 3 countries with the lowest mortality rate The lower the infant mortality rate the higher the GDP. Meaning the richer the country,the lower the infant mortality rate. This is proven from the statistics shown above. They have more money invested in research and healthcare, saving the lives of many children. People in the countries are educated and have good sanitation, ensuring the children are safe and well cared for from an early age. Singapore Japan Germany 31400
Comparing the GDP with infant mortality
The higher the infant mortality rate the lower the GDP