DATA WAREHOUSING TECHNIQUES ROUNDTABLE Kathy Bronson Trevyn Bowden Clackamas Communtiy College 7/2016 Information Technology Forest Grove, Oregon NWEUG 2016
SESSION RULES OF ETIQUETTE Please turn off your cell phone/pager If you must leave the session early, please do so as discreetly as possible Please avoid side conversation during the session Thank you for your cooperation!
INTRODUCTION What is a data warehouse? Analysis and design of a data warehouse. Types of warehouses. Data models for warehousing. What are other schools doing for reporting? Learn about more advanced tools people could use for reporting.
SESSION AGENDA 1. Types of Data Warehouses 2. Analysis and Design of a Data Warehouse 3. Tools 4. Different User Experiences 5. Resources
Different types of warehouses Data marts only Star Schema Kimball vs Inmon
TYPES OF WAREHOUSES What is a star schema and what are the advantages? Fact tables and dimension tables Examples Grain of the star schema Date Dimension, Factless fact table and other star schema techniques
Focus on business needs Who to include Warehouse architecture Top down vs bottom up Star schema/data mart driven Frequency of data loads
DESIGNING A DATA WAREHOUSE Multiple sources of data Duplicate detection Conformance Data analysis and auditing Sanity checking Data cleanliness Handling bad data
ETL Custom vs Out of the box Custom scripts WhereScape Security Analysis Services
Possible levels of users doing reporting Able to create SQL and data marts Able to create reports Run more modifiable report Run only simple parameter reports
USER EXPERIENCE Excel Datamarts Reporting Tools Reporting Services Tableau Power BI Others
Books Kimball books The Data Warehouse Toolkit by Ralph Kimball Star Schema The Complete Reference By Christopher Adamson
RESOURCES Online resources EDUCAUSE Star Schema document
SESSION SUMMARY Many data warehouses are just sets of Data Marts If you want to take it to the next level, look at star schemas Make sure to make it business driven Allow for different levels of report users Provide plenty of time for analysis and implementation
THANK YOU! Kathy Bronson Trevyn Bowden