SACHEM NORTH Mrs. Trombetta- Principal Mr. Cruz- Assistant Principal Mr. Miller- Assistant Principal Mrs. Flanagan-Smith- Assistant Principal
Stay to the right Be polite Keep it clean Lock it don’t lose it Watch your website Dress for success Nothing but nice Enhance your transcript Attendance counts Hug your parents NOT COOL!
HALLWAYS No student should be in the halls without a pass! All students should have their ID cards when in the hallway No “Hanging Out” Use appropriate language Lateness to class is not tolerated Sweeps- consequences given
Hats, Cell Phones or Electronic Devices No Hats are permitted to be worn in the building Cell phones are not to be used Use the phone in the Main Office or AP Office in the event of an emergency Leave it at home-iPods, MP3’s, games, Ear buds, Beats, cameras, etc. Remember cyber-bullying is a crime!
Internet Safety & Use Inappropriate use of the computers or the internet will not be tolerated! On-line harassment through s, instant messages, text messaging, etc. may result in suspension!
Discipline- Point System ½ point for any detention issued by an administrator 1 point per day of ISS 2 point per day for OSS When you reach 10 points you are ineligible to participate in any extra curricular program- sporting events, field trips, night time activities, etc. You can earn back 2 points a month if you have no infractions
Dress for Success!! Respect YOURSELF and OTHERS!! Extremely short garments and see through garments are not appropriate and you will be asked to change! Ensure that under garments are covered Wear appropriate footwear No items that contain vulgar, obscene language or that insult others, including comments or pictures, shall NOT be permitted Items that promote the use of alcohol, tobacco or illegal drugs and/or encourage violent activities shall NOT be permitted