RDSB’s 3-Year Mental Health Strategy Dr. Amber Perry, C.Psych. Chief Psychologist and Mental Health Lead
Strategy Overview Statement In the RDSB, we are committed to addressing the mental health needs of our students, as well as improving mental wellness for all students. In our Board’s Improvement Plan, under the Community Culture and Caring section, the following practices are delineated as priorities for Mental Health:
-Assist schools in promoting school based mental health models and interventions with the support from specialized support staff -Continue collaborative support model with community partners -Develop pathways to mental health in collaboration with community agencies -Design a tiered approach to mental health services for students -Provide capacity building with all staff
Rationale for School Based Mental Health -There is a clear relationship between student mental health problems and academic difficulties -MH learning and learning MH -Academic achievement, graduation rates - affected
Mental Health in Ontario students -Approx. 1 in 5 youth in Ontario struggles with their mental health -in any given year, in a class of 25-30, there may be 5- 7 students who struggle with behaviour & emotions to a degree that will interfere with their academic performance -the earlier we intervene, the better the trajectory -MH – some lifelong, intermittent, and/or situational -Cumulative effect – if no intervention worsening symptoms
Tiered approach to Mental Health Specialized interventions, community care Support for those at-risk Whole school/all students Mental Health promotion programs Tier 3 Specialized Tier 2 Targeted Tier 1 Prevention
Tier 1: Prevention / Promotion Year 1: September SPARK program -Mind Up (self-regulation) – ELK classrooms -MH awareness training – Supporting Minds -MH toolkit, classroom strategies, MH newsletter -Positive approach – pilot -Resiliency initiative – initial phase -Respect in School -Elephant in the Room – anti-stigma campaign
Year 2: September Capacity building – MH teams in schools -Positive approach – up scale -Mind Up – enriching program -SPARK – enriching program Year 3: September Resiliency – data gathering for evaluation -Continued MH capacity building
Tiered approach to Mental Health Specialized interventions, community care Support for those at-risk Whole school/all students Mental Health promotion programs Tier 3 Specialized Tier 2 Targeted Tier 1 Prevention
Tier 2: Targeted Intervention Year 1: September MH RNs – 10 selected schools -Social Workers – selected schools -School-based MH program – selected schools -Community Mobilization Sudbury -Violent Threat Risk Assessment (VTRA) -Trauma team -FRIENDS
Tier 2: Targeted Intervention Year 2: September Expand social work compliment -Continue all teams from Year 1 -FRIENDS – enrichment Year 3: September FRIENDS – enrichment -Goal is to build capacity by developing resources
Tiered approach to Mental Health Specialized interventions, community care Support for those at-risk Whole school/all students Mental Health promotion programs Tier 3 Specialized Tier 2 Targeted Tier 1 Prevention
Tier 3: Specialized services Year 1: September Tele-psychiatry services with the Hospital for Sick Children -Collaboration with community agencies (discharge from hospital) Years 2 and 3: September Program evaluation – tele-psychiatry