When RINA Meets NFV Diego R. López Telefónica
The NFV 2 Network functions are fully defined by SW, minimising dependence on HW constraints DPI BRAS GGSN/ SGSN Firewall CG-NAT PE Router VIRTUAL NETWORK FUNCTIONS COMMON HW (Servers & Switches) FUNCTION CAPACITY
The NFV 3 NFV Infrastructure End Point E2E Network Service ComputeStorageNetwork HW Resources Virtualization Layer Virtualization SW Virtual Compute Virtual Storage Virtual Network Virtual Resources Logical Abstractions Network Service VNF Logical Links VNF Instances VNF SW Instances VNF : Virtualized Network Function VNF
The NFV Reference 4 Computing Hardware Storage Hardware Network Hardware Hardware resources Virtualisation Layer Virtualised Infrastructure Manager(s) VNF Manager(s) VNF 2 OSS/BSS NFVI VNF 3 VNF 1 Execution reference points Main NFV reference points Other reference points Virtual Computing Virtual Storage Virtual Network EM 2 EM 3 EM 1 Service, VNF and Infrastructure Description Or-Vi Or-Vnfm Vi-Vnfm Os-Ma Ve-Vnfm Nf-Vi Vn-Nf Vl-Ha Orchestrator
A Few NFV Challenges Support the performance requirements of dataplane workloads Optimization beyond current cloud practices Adaptive security policy verification Security beyond physical access and links Enhanced resiliency by elasticity Availability beyond overprovisioned failover Network functions become applications and services at the same time Support for recursive service and components beyond current overlay 5
And Here Comes RINA Apply RINA to provide the infrastructural network support for NFV NFV Forwarding Graphs VNF internal connections VNF resiliency mechanisms Circumscribed to NFV PoPs and the provision of IP-based services Facilitate service provisioning and stability Showcase the advantages of RINA In a compatible way with current network 6
RINA on the NFV 7 NFV Infrastructure End Point E2E Network Service ComputeStorageNetwork HW Resources Virtualization Layer Virtualization SW Virtual Compute Virtual Storage Virtual Network Virtual Resources Logical Abstractions Network Service VNF Logical Links VNF Instances VNF SW Instances VNF : Virtualized Network Function VNF RINA support for SFC and pooling RINA support for NFV Forwarding Graphs via SFC Single PoP Multiple tenants PoP fabric network untouched Optimized fabric usage Single PoP Multiple tenants PoP fabric network untouched Optimized fabric usage
The SFC and Pooling 8 SFC Node (VNF) SFC Node (VNF) SFC Egress Node (VNF/PNF) SFC Node (VNF) SFC Ingress Node (VNF/PNF) DC Boundary SF Forwarder (VNF-C) Service Function (VNF-C) Service Function (VNF-C) VNF Boundary Pool Manager VNF-C Instance VNF-C Boundary
A Possible 9 SFC Node (VNF) SFC Node (VNF) SFC Egress Node (VNF/PNF) SFC Ingress Node (VNF/PNF) VNFCI Service Chain DAF Chain DIF IPCP VNFCI VNF DAF VNF DIF IPCP Transport DC & shim DIFs IPCP VIM VNFM(s) NFVO Service chain DAF & DIF, managed by NFVO – One per each VNFFG VNF DAF & DIF, managed by VNFM(s) – One per each VNF – IPCPs at the DIF provide pooling Transport (and shim) DIFs, managed by the VIM – As required by SC and VNF DIFs
MANO DAF and Design Patterns Communicating through a MANO DAF The NFVO has to Instantiate the chain DAFs and DIFs and define their policies Configure boundary nodes so that they inject traffic to the right chains The VNFM has to Instantiate each VNF DAF and DIF and define their policies The VIM has to Instantiate the requested transport and shim DIFs according to a general policy Consistent policy-based orchestration at all layers VNF deployment is simplified Beyond current network overlay technologies that require specific cross-layer bindings VNFs can be dynamically updated, migrated, scaled… Infrastructure network properties such as security, topology verification, allocation, load balancing, failure protection… are directly enforced by the RINA policies VNF (components) become reusable New service design patterns become possible, even for the current 10
And Here We Stand The general architecture has been defined Including architectural options beyond the ones described here Requirements for the different policies have been identified Chain, VNF, and MANO DIFs A first experimental scenario has been defined And is being validated With the potential of building a NFV ISG PoC And, for sure, report results in the coming TNC So stay 11