Spatial pattern of arrangement: describes or explains the physical arrangement of a place, a scene, or an object. Logic suggests that the main points can be arranged in order of their physical proximity or direction relative to one another. Thesis: El Morro National Monument in New Mexico is captivating for its variety of natural and historical landmarks. Main pts. I. Visitors first encounter an abundant variety of plant life native to the high country desert. II. Soon visitors come upon an age –old watering hole that has receded beneath the 200 foot cliffs. III. Beyond are the famous cliff carvings made by hundreds of travelers over several centuries of exploration in the Southwest. SPATIAL PATTERN (P. 104)
Cause-Effect relations can be things such as: Events leading to higher interest rates Reasons students drop out of college Causes of spousal abuse The main points in a causal (cause –effect) pattern of arrangement usually take the following form: I. Cause II. Effect Sometimes a topic can be discussed in terms of multiple cause for a single effect, or a single cause for multiple effects (see pg. 105) i.e., you may have three or four causes for students to drop out of college such as: financial, social, grades and only one effect. CAUSAL (CAUSE-EFFECT) PATTERN
This arrangement organizes main points to demonstrate the nature and significance of a problem and to provide justification for a proposed solution. This type of arrangement can be as simple as two main points. You will use this on your persuasive speech I. Problem (define what it is) II. Solution (offer a way to overcome the problem) Some will require more than tow points to adequately explain the problem and to substantiate the recommended solution: I. The nature of the problem (identify its causes, incidence, etc.) II. Effects of the problem (explain why it’s a problem, for whom, etc.) III. Unsatisfactory solutions (discuss those that have not worked) iv. Proposed solution (explain why Its’ expected to work) PROBLEM-SOLUTION PATTERN
Thesis: To combat Internet (“cyber”) bullying, we need to educate others about it, report it when it happens, and punish the offenders PARTIAL OUTLINE OF A PERSUASIVE SPEECH
Main point: I. Nature of online bullying A. Types of activates involved 1. name-calling, insults 2. circulation of embarrassing pictures 3. sharing private information 4. threats II. Effects of online bullying on victims A. acting out in school B. Feeling unsafe in school C. Skipping school D. Experiencing depression III. Unsuccessful attempts at solving online bullying A. Letting offenders and victims work it out on their own B. ignoring problem, assuming it will go away IV. Ways to solve online bullying A. Educate in schools B. Report incidents to authorities C. suspend or expel offenders
When each of the main points is a subtopic or category of the speech topic. Consider an informative speech about Chicago to establish a career. You plan to emphasize three reasons for choosing Chicago: since they will be of equal importance they can be arranged in any order i.e. Thesis: Chicago is an excellent place to establish a career. Main points: I. Accessible transportation II. Cultural variety III. Economic stability TOPICAL PATTERN OF ARRANGEMENT (CATEGORICAL)