Ms. Parrado & Mrs. Servilla Third & Fourth Grade G.I.F.T.E.D
Welcome to our OPEN HOUSE Introduction Uniform Policy Attendance Policy Morning Drop Off & Afternoon Pick Up Procedures Classroom Discipline Plan Home Learning Procedures and Expectations School Supplies Math & Reading Materials Online Grade Book Technology in the Classroom Parent Volunteers 3 rd & 4th Grade Testing Calendar
Ms. Parrado 3rd & 4 th Grade Reading & Language Arts G.I.F.T.E.D Room 505
Mrs. Servilla 3 rd & 4th Grade Math & Content G.I.F.T.E.D Room 501
Teacher Contact Information Reading / Language Arts Ms. Parrado Math / Science / Social Studies Mrs. Servilla
School Uniform Policy & Attendance Policy BGEC Mandatory School Uniform Tops GOLD or BLUE polos or t-shirts with school logo Bottoms Pants, bermuda shorts or skorts must be navy blue or khaki Shorts & skorts must be at least at the length of your fingertip Shoes NO open-toed shoes Attendance Absences After 3 absences, a letter goes home to the parent & a SCAM goes to a counselor After 6 absences, a SCAM goes to a counselor Tardies After 4 tardies in a grading period, a letter goes home to parents After 5 tardies in a grading period, a SCAM goes to counselor Early Dismissal When a student has more than 5 early dismissals in one grading period, a SCAM goes to a counselor Please do not take your child out of school within the last 30 minutes of school. ONLY in Emergency situations.
Morning Drop Off & Afternoon Dismissal IF DISMISSAL PLANS CHANGE…. PLEASE SEND AN OR LETTER TO THE TEACHER Morning Drop Off Students may be dropped off between 7:30 AM - 8:35 AM Breakfast Students can eat a FREE breakfast in the morning in the cafeteria before reporting to the hard-court After breakfast, 3 rd grade students wait for their teachers on the hard-court. 4 th grade students wait by the loop drop off area. Students MAY NOT roam the halls or wait in front of their classroom door for their teacher. Afternoon DISMISSAL Students are dismissed at 2:55PM BUS Students wait in the Elementary Café until their bus arrives and they are called. AFTERCARE Students go straight to the MLC cafeteria after school to meet their After Care Leader. PARENT PICKUP Students must go to the designated area: 3 rd GRADERS (North side of school) 4 th GRADERS (Loop by modular) DO NOT PARK car along the Dismissal Sidewalks
Ms. Parrado Classroom Discipline Plan BEHAVIOR CHART WEEKLY Behavior Grade Behavior Chart is sent home Fridays in your child’s Home Learning Binder. Parents must review, sign & return Behavior Chart to school the next school day. RULESMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Raise hand to speak Stay in Seat Work Quietly Stay on Task Follow Directions Use good manners Home Learning TOTAL POINTS: Name: _______________Week of: ___________________ Please sign & return X _________________________________
Mrs. Servilla Classroom Discipline Plan BE KIND. BE PREPARED. CLASS Dojo Free, mobile app Daily updates on classroom behavior Parent/Teacher Contact via messaging on Class Dojo Instantly share, messages, updates & class photos Allows parents to see how your child is doing in class and get in touch with the teacher
Home Learning Binder goes home and returns DAILY. Please check Agenda & Binder DAILY Agendas go home & are returned DAILY You may initial the Agenda weekly to monitor your child’s Home Learning & Announcements Home Learning is written in the Agenda DAILY Math Home Learning is in the sheet protector & also checked DAILY IXL Assigned on need-to-basis; however, students may go on their own as they wish. If a Home Learning Reading Packet is given, it will be sent home on Monday & should be completed by the following Monday (check AGENDA to see if a packet is assigned) Clear out old papers, flyers, etc from binder DAILY I-READY Follow the assigned sessions in your child’s Home Learning folder. There are weekly printed reports which will be used to monitor student use of the program weekly I-READY Home Learning should be completed as indicated in your child’s agenda. Complete I-Ready log weekly. Due on Mondays HOME LEARNING PROCEDURES & EXPECTATIONS AGENDA MUST BE CHECKED DAILY!!
SCHOOL SUPPLY LIST The following supplies must be in your child’s pencil pouch DAILY (Pencil pouch should fit in the desk) ** Small headphones ** Eraser Sharpener with lid Sharpened #2 Pencils (a few) Blunt end scissors Box of 16 crayons Red Pens Glue Sticks Yellow Highlighters Keep these supplies in your child’s book bag for occasional use in class and for projects Pack of Markers Pack of Colored Pencils 12 inch Ruler These supplies have been collected and will be kept in your child’s desk Pack of Wide Ruled Paper 6 Composition Notebooks Plastic Folders with Prongs *Please have your child’s home learning folder organized. PLEASE BRING IN TREASURE BOX TREATS!!!
Reading/Language Arts McGraw Hill Wonders Reading Series ONLINE RESOURCES Textbooks available online Digital Practice Books Online games/activities available for home learning Via the STUDENT Portal at Math NEW - Go! Math Series ONLINE RESOURCES Textbooks available online Online games/activities available for home learning & support Via the STUDENT Portal at Math & Reading Materials
ONLINE GRADE BOOK Grades can be viewed by logging onto the Parent Portal or using the Student Portal To access grades via the Parent Portal: Parents must present Drivers License at the front office and be given instructions To access grades via the Student Portal -Log onto -Click on STUDENT login -Username: Your child’s Lunch/ID# -Password: birth month, birth date, birth year, initials EXAMPLE UN: PW: mmddyyii (May 17, 2004 birthdate)
Parent Volunteer Information If a parent does not see where they have been approved on their screen, they should call the district office at (305) Approval usually takes 24 hours for level 1. Parents should send in their district approval and ID number. Our THIRD GRADE counselor will then check approval for Bob Graham Education Center. Parent volunteer numbers are the same as your parent portal ID numbers.
Classroom Technology SMART BOARD 4 Computers (more to come) School Wi-Fi Connection Computer lab access Mobile lab access IXL program Reflex Math I-READY program Class Web Page Class DOJO Our classroom comes equipped with
Technology Programs CLASS WEB PAGE Links to websites, learning activities, practice activities, parent resources, & test prep materials IXL REFLEX MATH BRAIN POP & I READY Click APPS/SERVICES/SITES Click on I-READY tab Your child should be taking advantage of ALL the following websites & programs to enhance their learning! These programs can be accessed from home at any time. Usernames & Passwords will be noted on your child’s Student Tool Kit Sheet in their Home Learning Folder
Florida Statewide Assessment Program I-READY Assessment Periods AP1 – August 29 – September 30 AP2 – November 28 – December 23 AP3 – May 8 - June 2 4 th Grade District ELA Writing Test October 4 – October 28 3 rd Grade Reading Student Portfolio January 24 – May 5 4 th Grade FSA Writing Component Test February 27 – March 3 Florida Standards Assessments Reading & Math (Computer Based) April 17 – May – 2017 Testing Calendar