GOOD MORNING! “Easy reading is damned hard writing.” ~ Nathaniel Hawthorne 16 Dec Learning Target: Give precise and meaningful writing feedback Please take out your essay, grab your (whole!) portfolio folder, and copy down today’s learning target
Agenda12/16/13 Plan for the week Portfolio organization Bellwork Focused editing time Homework: Complete all your Portfolio Piece #2 assignments for Friday! Google doc file sharing typed reflection questions (paper copy) final portfolio piece with previous drafts (paper copies)
Plan for the week Today: Focused peer editing! Tuesday: In Lab 100 for work time Wednesday: In Lab 200 for work time*** Thursday: In Lab 200 for work time (I’m here for conference period if you need extra help, or if you have a tardy detention!) Friday: Portfolio Party! Bring all required materials, plus a mug for our hot cocoa treat! AND THEN WINTER BREAK!!!!
Quick Notes Applying for that Marshall Leadership Scholarship? Oops! I need to nominate you first! Pick up a half sheet and fill out that info so I can sell you to the committee! Triple check that the portfolio piece you’re working on for #2 is the OPPOSITE type of essay than what you did for #1!!! Very important if you want credit for #2!!
Portfolio Organization Time Grab your yellow growth chart REALLY fill out and update this today (let’s get caught up!) Grab your tan “strategies” list Useful to use on your partner’s paper today Pick up an updated yellow DPA rubric You’ll staple this copy to the front of your PP#2-please hold onto it! This is how I evaluate your PP#2-make sure you feel clear about the criteria listed You’ll need to use this language when you self-assess on the reflection questions
Bellwork**12/16/13 **On your actual paper, write this down and highlight one or two spots that illustrate this concern. What do you think is your biggest issue with this piece of writing?
Focused editing time Write ALL OVER your partner’s paper! Help spot misspelled words, incorrect grammar, etc., but really focus on 1-2 of the ideas below: levels of diction specific vs. general words verb tense consistency strong verbs! change passive voice to active voice eliminate repetitive redundancy ( ) Minimize prepositional phrases delete weak phrases remove unnecessary who, which, and that clauses eliminate “roundabout openings”
Wrap Up**12/16/13 What areas did you focus on to help your partner improve their essay? What areas did your partner focus on to help you improve your essay? Do you feel like you know how to improve your paper, or do you need more help? What kind of help would be useful? **Write this on your notecard along with your name, and then turn it in up front. Remember, we’re in the labs for Tuesday-Thursday!