John paul jones By:Jason sheffield
Summary of figures life John Paul jones was Scottish and the united states first well known naval fighter in the American revolution.
ROLE FIGURE PLAYED IN THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR John Paul Jones joined the American navy to fight againist britian.
Loyalist or patriot?? He was patriot when he fought the war. Father of the USA navy can epiher he shares with john barry.
Did they survive the revolutionary war He died of intershital nephis and was found lying face down on his bed in his third floor paris apartment.
What is your opinion of this figure He was very brave
Two additional facts about figure: Brought to the united states aboard the uss brooklyn esorted by three other cruiser. On approaching the american coastline, sven us.
I like this project because I learned a lot from it and that he was a very brave man. What was the most interesting thing that you found in your research about this figure
What is your opinion about this figure? That he was very brave and that he was not a coward, and he will fight in the war.